Will a half a gram of 20x salvia even do anything?!

Question: Will a half a gram of 20x salvia even do anything!?
I'm just wondering if thats enough for it to work!. also if you have any salvia experiences feel free to share them!Www@Youqa@Cn

U don't need that much man, two -3 hits will do, just make sure u have a sitter cuz it may get intense, if u want stay in a dark room, and do it alone, that's how it's intended to be taken!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Yes, that should be enough to do something, you may not get the full "another dimension" effect but it is possible you will feel something!. I used 10x and I felt like there was a layer of sweat that was a nice cooling effect on me!. I also thought that I was talking extremly fast!. It lasted about 10 min and then went away!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Half a gram is a little much!. I've seen friends take a pinch and go to la la land!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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