I have a cold how can I make myself better...?!

Question: I have a cold how can I make myself better.......?
I don't want to be in bed all day plus I work and I feel really sick what can I do.. any home remedies for colds thanks poor me I'm so sickHealth Question & Answer

Zinc and vitamin C tablets.. Although these are most effective when you feel the cold coming on..
Now you're poorly drink hot honey and lemon juice; possibly with the addition of whisky.. Paracetamol.. Rest - don't try to go to work and spread your germs around!!Health Question & Answer

buy some local, raw, unpasteurized honey.. take a tablespoon of it, and lie flat on your back, and put it in your mouth.. try to keep it @ the back of your throat for as long as you can..
The raw honey has natural antibiotics (supplied by the bees),to keep the honey from rotting in the hives.. These antibiotics can, and will benefit you.. keep eating the honey, and your health will improve..
To help clear your sinuses, goto a health food store and ask for a NETI pot.. You can irrigate (flush) your sinuses out, and help your throat, too.. ckeck out the NETI pot website for instructions on using it..
all the best to you..Health Question & Answer

sweat it off.. drink lots and lots of hot fluids (soups, teas, cocoa, etc), and wrap yourself in an electric blanket.. your body uses this same technique to rid itself of germs.. that's why you get a fever.. so you can speed up the process with the electric blanket and hot fluids.. remember to drink the hot fluids or else you'll get dehydrated..Health Question & Answer

Sounds like you need to take some Echinacea & Vitamin C.. I used to get colds all the time until I found this natural remedy.. I get mine via Quickvits..com..

.quickvits..com/product/1/306/Echinacea-3500mg-Vitamin-C..html" rel="nofollow">http://www..quickvits..com/product/1/306/E......Health Question & Answer

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