Which is more effective for anxiety, kava or alcohol?!

Question: Which is more effective for anxiety, kava or alcohol.?
In terms of amount required to have the same effect.. does kava work for moderate or severe anxiety or is it only for temporary nervousness and are there any other non prescritption or herbal drugs that have similar effectiveness as alcohol..Health Question & Answer

I would be wary about using either of those without consulting an herbalist.. Both can work synergistically with any other medications you are taking.. My understanding of Kava Kava is that it is primarily an anti-depressent, not anti-anxiety, although the cheerful side effect will relieve anxiety.. But it is a very strong herb.. You run the risk of developing an addiction with both of those, and if not used properly they can both be harmful..
I do not condone the use of alcohol as a form of treatment because of the sensitive nature of its side effects and the high chance that you will become dependent on it to feel good..
Bach Flower remedies specifically target forms of anxiety and each flower remedy will relieve specific feelings (look them up online for a comprehensive list, since it is hard for me to analyze your specific feelings over the internet and give you specific remedy).. Homeopathics are also symptom-specific like the bach flower remedies..
If you are looking for something easy, St.. John's Wort relieves depression and anxiety.. Again, it can have an effect if you are taking any prescriptions..

A note on what is said above: If you take anything (herb or prescription) against what is advised on the bottle, you will get vomiting/diarrhea/illness.. That is not an herb-specific reaction.. also, prescription medications fall short of eliminating the problem.. They keep you at a neutral mood and if you come off of them you go right back to where you started.. Natural remedies used in conjunction with having a good diet (fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds) will eliminate the problem.. A good liver detox can also provide immediate but temporary relief..Health Question & Answer

Alcohol doesn't make you less anxious, it just depresses you until you don't care..

Kava, valerian, and linden flower all have anti-anxiety effects ...... one of the better sources is the Tension Tamer tea from the local supermarket..

You can also get them blended in capsules..

However, if you have really severe anxiety, prescription drugs are best.. If you took enough of the herbs to get calm, you would get nasty side effects like vomiting and diarrhea..Health Question & Answer

Alcohol is not a treatment for anxiety.. It's a depressant but it doesn't address the cause of the anxious feelings.. It also tends to make people do foolish things which, when you sober up, becomes a bigger source of anxiety..

Kava isn't prven to do anything..

Why not see a counselor.? If you need medication, he/she can help you find the right Rx drug for your problem..Health Question & Answer

Go to a Dr presumably a Pych Dr no shame in it I've been there and he'll probably start you on something small ,like 0..25 mg of xanax 1 tab tid (3x a day) and see how that works out for you explain to him you have anxiety attacks and you don't know what to do.? he should help you out that is his job.?
Good LuckHealth Question & Answer

Hi Joe,

Neither one of those are a good idea for anxity.. As a alternative health practitioner and a person whom has had massive anxiety attack....this is what has saved me.. PROFOUND results.. Try it......it's drug free and cost you nothing! www..emofree..comHealth Question & Answer

You got some great answers already.. I'd simply suggest exercise, exercise , exercise; and voice support for the advice already given.. Good stuff..Health Question & Answer

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