Is it true that toothpaste clears up pimples?!

Question: Is it true that toothpaste clears up pimples.?
i put in on and it sort of burned at firstHealth Question & Answer

I think i'm not sure it dries up the oil in the skin, which is good, but I could be wrong..

but i forgot what it was, someone told me something bad about that but if you do try it, try the basic average toothpaste..

But ive managed to keep my skin almost perfect with Clean and Clear and Pro active.. I dont use all of pro active just the toner and reparing lotion.. It really tones your skin and makes it feel screen.. If you ever try it, be carefull for the other stuff, especially the weird thing that smells like sulfur, it made me break out..

But if you want something more affordable try clean and clear products.. I think they discontinued it but theres this liquid black head remover stuff that works really good.. But go to the clean and clear website and they can help u figure out exactly what you need..

I tried the toothpaste thing and it didnt do anything really, it just burned and left a big long red mark on my face and made things worseHealth Question & Answer

Well I couldn't say for sure if toothpaste works or not.. I can say though that it would probably cause a huge problem in irritation to your skin.. Specially due to the alcohols in it.. I would not put that on my skin, the things they put in toothpaste might make ya die 30 years younger from that crap.. Use TEA TREE OIL, that probably works better than anything for acne.. It's a natural product and does not cost all that much for how much your going to use for your face.. It is supposed to be able to kill the bacteria that is specific to acne and it's very refreshing to put on your face although you should always dilute it because it is very strong..Health Question & Answer

I truly never used toothpaste, but there is a soap called PURPOSE.. You don't buy it in the regular soap section.. You can usually find it with the skin products, where they put stuff like Oil of Olay.. It costs about $3 a bar, and lasts a very long time.. I have found it at Target and even Kroger.. You only use it on your face once a day.. It has worked wonders for me..Health Question & Answer

Actually when I have pimples I don't use toothpaste, I use Tea Tree Oil and it helps and it helps with other skin conditions too.. I used it on my poison ivy outbreak that I should have went to the doctor for and the tea tree oil soothed it !Health Question & Answer

aloe vera works better for acne, toothpaste is a long shot, check out the webpage below to learn how aloe vera cures acneHealth Question & Answer

It doesn't get rid of it, but helps reduce the swelling and redness..Health Question & Answer

yea it burns.. it depeneds o yer skin type.. like 4 me it just drys my skin out like hell but it takes the red outHealth Question & Answer

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