Why is it illegal??!

Question: Why is it illegal.?.?
to smoke and use marijuana.? its safer than alcohol and doesnt cause any illness' or cancers like tobacco.. i think it's bc the government cant tax marijuana.. bc it easy to grow, if you try to grow tobacco to make ur own ciggarettes you will fail.. its harder to grow and the taste of pure tobacco is nasty, thats why companies put tons of chemicals in them.. what is your view of marijuana.?
it helps me study, learn (i cant sit in a college lecture class and pay attention w/o it) eat, sleep, stay calm........ and i use it instead of my depression pills my doctor prescribes me.. and it helps with my anxiety so i dont use much of my pills for that!Health Question & Answer

People are so ignorant and brain washed.. I am a user of cannabis and in nursing school, I have also written many papers on cannabis in addition to hundreds of hours of research, and let me tell you something.. It is illegal for a number of reasons.. First off, they can't make money off of it, as it would grow easily in someones back yard.. (like a weed- they used to be up and down the sides of interstates like weeds)

Harry Anslinger was one of the forerunners in illegalizing marijuana.. Actually, "Marijuana" was a mexican slang word, it is actually "Cannabis" But back in the day, Hemp (which is cannabis' sister, same thing just without THC) was at that time the primary use for clothes, rope, food, plastics (yes there is hemp plastic which is actually much more durable then current plastic and biodegradeable).. When they discovered that they could use synthetic oils to make plastics and such, they realized that it would never fly with the people because it wasnt biodegradeable and more expensive than hemp.. Actually the first car, the model t, was made COMPLETELY from hemp, AND RAN ON HEMP FUEL.. but they don't tell you all that information now do they.? SO anyways, they brought forth a "marijuana" propaganda campaign, and nixon started the "full on drug war".. They instilled it in peoples head that "marijuana" was a terrible new drug that noone should mess with.. It was not until AFTER IT WILL ILLEGAL that the people REALIZED that hemp and "marijuana" were the same thing, but by then it was too late.. And now you see how big the oil industry is now, AND how big the "drug war" is, both of which make the elite very wealthy, so does that answer your question.?

also, some comments were left on how it has "bad long term affects" and its addictive nature, are you KIDDING me.? That has NEVER been proven, ever.. It was PROPAGANDA.. Do you realize HOW many people smoke weed and live perfactly normal lives.? Do you realize how many people have smoked weed their whole lives without many people knowing.? Because it does not distroy your life like other hard drugs (including heroin, cocaine, and alcohol) It MAY have caused some type of problem with someone who never smoked and then ate some brownies or smoked higher potency grade than they could handle or something in the past, but that doesn't mean if you smoke you will automatically become schizophrenic, thats like saying one person got into a wreck and now has panic attacks when they drive, so from now on noone is allowed to drive after they get into a wreck.. Give me a break.. The only thing true is that yes, it MAY impare your motor skills if you are not used to it, but doesn't alcohol.? And that is perfactly legal.. It obviously is not illegal for that reason..Health Question & Answer

Pot is NOT addictive, and can open some people up creatively, and others not.. Pot is illegal because when the idea was proposed, marijuana wasn't popular enough to have a significant lobby against it.. Cigarettes, should be illegal, but there IS a lobby with them and that's why it's notHealth Question & Answer

it's illegal because it opens up your mind and makes you less controllable which is not what the government wants.. they want stupid people that they can control.. that's why they made it illegal because all the hippies kept protesting and getting in the way of the government making bad decisions and taking our money and freedoms..Health Question & Answer

I know pretty much nothing about marijuana...... but if i was to guess I'd think it's illegal cos it alters your consciousness and your mood and all that stuff (i think....) so people might do things they don't want to do...... AH! i dunno....ignore me......Health Question & Answer

look up Harry J.. Anslinger and well you will know all about it.. and it was never about taxing that got it illegal in the first place there is much more to it believe me..

try this site .com/hemplie..html" rel="nofollow">http://billstclair..com/hemplie..htmlHealth Question & Answer

the drug war brings in $60 billion a year.. That about says it all, doesn't it.?

Let me make two quick points.. I am a user, have been for almost 15 years now..
1.. It does NOT open you up creativly, in can in fact hinder you creativity at times..
2.. It IS addictive.. Very.. The biggest lie I was ever told was that marijuana isn't addictive..

In the end, it slows you down both mentally and physcially.. You don't wanna do anything but be comfortable.. Whatever you find comfortable, thats what you want to do.. You will not smoke and then suddenly become a great artist.. If you find comfort in creative outlets, you will become creative.. If you like watching TV and eating Oreo's, thats what you'll do.. Its dope, plain and simple.. It relaxes you and feels good, but like with anything else the key is moderation, and most potheads have no idea what this means.. Myself included..

Matt L is an idiot..Health Question & Answer

do you seriously think marijuana is safe to smoke.? You really need to rethink your sources of information because smoking marijuana is the most harmful method of consumption.. Marijuana contains 20times more toxic substances than tobacco and has a lethal combustion effect when smoked.. I'll admit, marijuana isn't linked to lung cancer but is strongly linked to the just as or even more dangerous bullous lung disease.. And if that's not bad enough think about its incredibly high cause of psychosis which often makes people become psychotic.. I know it has some curing causes, but it's illegal for a reason and it's a good reason so think hard before you start underestimating it's effects.. By the way, just to clarrify the laws concerns, marijuana is illegal because, although research shows that short term use is not very lethal, long term use is incredibly damaging, now think if people where allowed to smoke marijuana in the street as easily as they can smoke cigarretes, people would be surrounded by ganja smoke all the time which in the end, due to the excessive second hand smoke people would then start to suffer from the dangerous effects of long term smoking of marijuana.. Tobacco cigarretes are bad enough, we don't need a more dangerous cloud of smoke waiting for us to second-handedly breath inHealth Question & Answer

I agree that it's stupid for them to make it illegal; there's little to no evidence that I know of that it causes any significant harm to the user in and of itself.. So it's one of those stupid things the government does to make money, and to have an excuse to bust down people's doors and tear their houses apart..

However, it can be argued that it causes harm in its good effects.. Seeing as you said yourself you "can't sit still" or pay attention without it, that means you're dependent on it, and have gotten so you can't function normally on your own willpower anymore.. What if you're in a situation where you can't take the stuff.? Things could get very rough for you, when for other folks they could just deal with it.. That's a set-up for trouble......

But it can be argued that way too many folks smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol to deal with their problems too, and those have the same problem PLUS the obvious health issues attached.. And who knows how many side-effects aren't being told to us about legitimate legal drugs.?

It's a very mixed issue...... I'd rather everyone get enough will-power to take their problems on, with more support from friends, instead of using outside substances...... But the world is far from ideal.. If people can choose their poisons, the least that can be done is allow the less directly-harmful ones be legal..

Folks need to petition lawmakers and try to change this.. I've done so a few times, but nowadays with the anti-terrorism laws taking away our privacy and freedom, I'm afraid I'll be busted for just talking like this.. @_@Health Question & Answer

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