What is the different between Chinese medicine and western medicine?!

Question: What is the different between Chinese medicine and western medicine.?
what is the different between Chinese medicine and western medicine.?Health Question & Answer

western medicine tries to cure your symptoms, the doctors don't ask personal questions and try to find the root problem.. chinese medicine looks at you as a unique body, thats not just physical, but spiritual and emotional as well.. they try to find out what's causing your body inbalance and what can be done to help your body use its own healing mechanisms and get better..Health Question & Answer

Western/conventional science based medicine is driven by basic research.. The scientific method is at the root of everything.. Evidence of efficacy and safety is paramount..

TCM is based on prescientific, magical ideas.. Some of the herbal remedies do have some physiological effects, but the concept of balancing energies is a primitive mystical idea that has no basis in reality..Health Question & Answer

If Western Medicine is so good why have I got side affects from 2 lots medications by Western medicines.?and ignore the answer that stated Chinese Medicine is based on relaxation it just shows how little the person knows about Chinese Medicine.?
Which is based on checking the imbalance of all the organs of the body and re-adjusting them by stimulating the brain to releasing the bodies own chemicals to correct the imbalance that's why you never get side affectsHealth Question & Answer

There is no simple answer to this question but
the Chinese use and believe in relaxation techniques
such as acupuncture they have many natural oils and
remedies for medicines such as tiger balm (which is
basically a more natural and nicer smelling danker rub)
A lot of Chinese medicines have been practiced for hundreds of years and still are used today so that says something! Whereas alot of westerners use adopt needles or a chemical based medicines which have also proven to save lives and be affective! but we are vastly adopting worldwide medicines!! The only concern is that a lot of Chinese medicines have been used for so many years
they know the drawbacks and whether or not there are any side affects but with alot of modern western medicines they have mostly only been practiced within a short period of time so many long term side affects are unknown!! but still its a huge topic and cant be answered in one simple question!!!Health Question & Answer

Huge difference.. Try reading "The Web That Has No Weaver: by Ted Kaptchuk Western medicine focuses on symptoms and surgery while Eastern focuses on balancing the body and treating the imbalanced root.. I practice Eastern but Western is very good for acute medicine and trauma..
Each has its benefits and we have a long way to go here in the USA to integrate them..Health Question & Answer

Chinese Medicine came from the Ayurvedic..............which all originally came from Egypt, sumeria etc they use the ancient system and view the body via the humors (earth air fire water) and there is an understanding in the individual make up ofeach person their strong points and weak points and the qualities, like hot cold wet dry etc.. whereas conventional medicine is scientific and is seen that everybody is the same........DNA says this is not true, and so do the make up of people....we are all unique and should be treated as such..
Western medicine has crossed the line in its use,the body is seen like that of a car, rip this out and that............put thhis here and that there ............that is criminal and breaches the Hippocratic OathHealth Question & Answer

Western medicine worksHealth Question & Answer

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