What can a chiropractor do that an osteopath can't and vice versa?!

Question: What can a chiropractor do that an osteopath can't and vice versa.?
Osteopathic physicians (DOs) have a much broader medical education, (exactly the same as MDs ) than chiropractors, are able to diagnose and prescribe meds and do all of the procedures, including completing residencies and internships for specialities.. In addition, IMHO, have expanded courses in human relations and improved bedside manners, and counseling..

There is nothing that a chiro can do that a DO couldn't do, and when they realize they are not able to resolve a complaint, they find it necessary to make a referral to a physician..

They are fully qualified in all areas of medicine, including examinations, evaluations, and specialties such as brain surgery, pediatrics, woman's health, cardiology and neurology, not to mention the best sspeciality (as far as I am concerned) is in family practice..

while their name originated f rom the fact that, in the past, they felt that all diseases and conditions resolved from issues of the skeletal system, their training and experience has evolved to the point where they are as fully qualified as any MD..

chiropractors are only able to make limited evaluations, based on skeletal and muscular examinations, but are not qualified to prescribe medications, including OTC meds..Health Question & Answer

Hi Kevin.. The Chiropractic Profession chooses not to prescribe drugs or perform major surgeries.. An Osteopath can/does prescribe drugs and can/may perform surgeries..

I am a retired Chiropractor..

Best wishes..Health Question & Answer

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