Hookah - molasses?!

Question: Hookah - molasses.?
Hey.. I was wondering is there an alternative to smoking the shisha/molasses which contains tobacco.?
Is it possible to just cut fruits into small pieces put it in the bowl and smoke it.? or can you put herbs (NOT MARIJUANA), lemon grass.?.?.? is it safer than smoking the shisha with tobacco.? is it safe in general.?

has any smoked any of those things mentioned above.?Health Question & Answer

Minced Fruit
Mince up your favorite fruit as fine as possible and place it in the bowl.. also try mixing coffee grounds in with it for a full explosion of flavor..

Take a microplane to an orange, grapefruit, lemon or other fruit and make some zest.. This can work great as an additive to any shisha or by itself.. Caution on by using it by itself it can be a bit harsh.. With zest you can marinate it in sugar syrup (1/2

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