Is it true that most people parasites and toxic gunk in their bodies?!

Question: Is it true that most people parasites and toxic gunk in their bodies.?
A woman I know recently told me about a detoxification program she went through when she had graves disease and all the disgusting things that came out of her body......I have lupus and kidney disease and would like to do a detox but I'm not sure what kind of program I need to go on........your thoughts.?Health Question & Answer

I believe that a detox can help..

I'm actually on one right now to get all the excess synthetic hormones (from birth control stopped 5 months ago), toxins, and built up colon matter..

BTW, to the 2 posters who are asking what "toxins" are...... There are so many, that natural health companies probably can't list them all, and there's that small problem of the government and Big Pharma controlling what they put on their labels.. They can't claim it helps anything, as no one besides the natural health company makes any profit from it, and Big Pharma can't patent it.. Toxins include pesticides, air pollution breathed, and any other synthetic particles that aren't supposed to be in your system.. As well, most people do not have normal bowel movements, especially people with constipation.. Most of your body's toxins are released from your body through the colon (through feces).. When you're constipated, it allow toxins in the feces to be reabsorbed into your bloodstream, as your bowels aren't moving as fast..

Most skeptics have never experienced a cleanse before.. Only 2 weeks into my cleanse, I already feel a difference.. The only difference that I can notice right now is my libido change (sorry for the personal info, but it has to be explained).. I used to have perfectly fine sexual health, until I started birth control pills 4 years ago.. After going through 5 brands of birth control pills, having: no libido, migraines, severe GAD (caused by the BCP's), and the onset of menopause (also the cause of BCP, I'm in my early 20's, the 'menopause' symptoms stopped when I stopped the pills).. Even after stopping my birth control, I didn't find any change in my sexual health/libido.. Only now, taking my cleanse, I'm finally noticing a BIG difference!

As for which detox you want to take, anything that cleanses the kidneys I guess, which is almost all of them..
The cleanse I'm taking right now is called Cleanse Smart by Renew Life.. It cleanses the 7 channels of elimination: lungs, blood, liver, kidneys, colon, skin, and lymphatic system..
Another cleanse that is really popular is Colonix..

Hope this helps!
Good luck with your cleanse..Health Question & Answer

No, most people do not have bodies filled with parasites and toxic gunk..

That "disgusting junk" is really gelatinous crud from the stuff they call the detox supplement (most of them have a clay in them,which forms a gloppy mass in the intestines), with some food stuck in it..

I have seen the images of their "parasites" ...... it's food fibers, maybe some starch granules, and other non-parasite bits..

As for the toxins ...... what are the "toxins".? Do they have chemical names.? How do they know they have them.?

Basically, it's snake oil, quackery and a ripoff that can endanger your health..Health Question & Answer

abacaxit nailed it..

You'll note that "toxins" are never actually defined, it is just this vague term that Alties use.. It is a catchall for anything that is wrong with you ......"you must be full of toxins and "parasites"

It is naturopathic nonsense.. The original naturopathic movement was about fresh air, exercise, and nutritious food.. It turns out there isn't much money to be made telling people that, so they had to start adding the "woo woo" such as detoxifying, cleansing, colon therapy, dynamic muscle testing, energy balancing and homeopathy to their dubious repertoire..

Lupus is potentially a very serious illness......people used to die from it, but we now have some very good treatments and people can live normal lives.. Thanks to modern, scientific medicine......not detoxing.. It would be very dangerous to take one of those treatments as it could cause acute kidney failure..

Save your money.. Save your health..

EDIT Hippie.. You miss the point, it doesn't matter whether skeptics have tried it, or you feel wonderful after 2 weeks on it.. How you personally feel is not evidence of anything except how you personally feel.. The plural of anecdote is not evidence..Health Question & Answer

Me personally it took an a health issue to realize the toxins in our bodies, almost at once I did everything to get rid of the toxins ...... dandelion, psyllium, milk thistle, burdock root .... I eat more organic foods, no sodas at all, even for a while used the detox foot pads and dry brushing my skin..
Still dry brush my skin to help the body rid itself of toxins..
My thoughts it's worth it .... with health care in this country the way it is your health is critical .... it should be a lifelong routineHealth Question & Answer

try the liver flush-you can google it to get the detailsHealth Question & Answer

This is charlatinsim at it's need to watch the show BULLSH**T with Penn and Teller.. They did a great episode on this one.. I think you can rent it at a video store like Blockbuster..

They showed how these "detoxification" centers work and how much pun intended......they spew in order to make a few bucks off of people..

Each and every SCIENTIFIC study has proven that they're full of it.. Heck, each and every SCIENTIFIC study have proven that vitamins don't work and in some cases actually do more harm over long term results.. These are tests that have been performed over 30 years time span......using palcebo and vitamins......people who took the vitamins were in worse shape than those that took the palcebo......

Even more so the so called detoxification people.. It's so funny that people are willing to shell out thousands of dollars for these so called fix it people and are so willing to believe and then doubt physicians who went to school for years and years......i don't understand it........other than people want to believe the easy way all the time..

You have Lupus and there is no quick fix......I know it sucks but dealing with the problem head on is the best way.. Taking care of yourself and taking the medications prescribed to you properly will give you the longest life possible..

I would do anything to cure my wife who has severe organ involved Lupus......we closely follow every scientific study both with mainstream medications and holistic approaches.. The truth is that mainstream medications work way better than other approaches......sure you'll get the allegorical evidence on the websites but that's all it is......a story about how one person got better using this product or that......So many of these things can cause such harm to you......making you way worse off than you were when you started..

Please, please, please talk with a physician about what you intend to do......have them discuss what the side effects will be and what the potential for help would be.. These are the men and women who took an oath to 'do no harm'.. The guy who's trying to sell you the snake oil is just trying to make a buck......where are their degrees......and their oath.?

I have a bridge to sell you (it's the same old old as time)......Health Question & Answer

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