What are some holistic ways to treat anxiety and depression?!

Question: What are some holistic ways to treat anxiety and depression.?
I've been taking anti-depressants for almost two months, and while I think they're helping a little, they're way too expensive ($100/month!).. I've tried St.. John's Wort and that didn't seem to help.. What are some other, inexpensive ways to fight depression and anxiety.? (If meditation or yoga, anything specific.?)Health Question & Answer

I see a naturopath for treatment for anxiety and depression.. Everyone is individual and do NOT mix any supplements for depression with your medication without consulting a doctor.. 5-HTP helps many people with both anxiety and depression.. I am going through tests to make sure that it's not a deficiency in my body that is causing anxiety in particular.. Tests such as the heavy metals in the body, Vit D deficiency, gut check: these are to make sure that it's not something very easy to correct.. I take tilia extract for anxiety, Vit C, Vit B complex, fish oils and I have a regular yoga practice, it honestly doesn't matter which practice you start just make sure that the teacher is a good, certified teacher.. You'll find the right style of yoga in time.. It's a process.. Breath work is very helpful but again a good yoga instructor could help you with specific exercises.. I find Kundalini to be very helpful when I need a 'quick fix'.. There are some wonderful tapes by Ana Brett and Ravi Singh that are NOT difficult and very accessible.. I do vinyasa flow as my usual practice but honestly Kundalini is great.. Meditation is simple: follow your breath.. Sit upright in a comfortable position, close your eyes gently and just focus on breathing in and breathing out.. Try it for 5 minutes and build up.. When you breath in say: breathing in.. When you breath out say: breathing out (to yourself).. If your mind wanders then that's OK just keep practicing bringing it back to the breath.. That's a very simple but powerful meditation..
I would see a good naturopath if you're seeking alternatives to medication.. Regular exercise can do miracles for depression and anxiety.. It releases endorphins which are necessary for us to feel good.. I would be crippled with anxiety if I did not have my yoga practice, cycling and kickboxing.. Best to youHealth Question & Answer

Depression has be treated for the cause.. There are many types of it.. To give one medicine for all will only suppress the malady.. It could be due to anxiety, impotence, senile, dyspepsia, stomach upsets, despondency due to incurable diseases, lack of confidence and grit, over indulgences and excesses, salt imbalances(sad moody silent and sits in corner and weeps, buried in thought -Natrum Mur, Cocculus Ind.. ), depression during menstruation, pregnanacy, menopause, during puberty, grief and worry, unsatisfied sex, libido, nervous breakdown, low pressure, excitement, overwork, insomnia, examination fear, failing in exams, worried about future, worried about family, due to hunger, due to guilt, moral trespass, fear of diseases, hormonal changes, insults and anger, melancholia.. thus goes the list.. Each type has a medicine attached to it.. Go to a good homeopath.. He will be able to help you out of it.. with best wishes..Health Question & Answer

Hi, I have found that for myself and others, Reiki Tummo is a really effective way of dealing with depression and anxiety.. Any form of Reiki is good, but Reiki Tummo is the most effective.. Basically, it is allowing Divine Love to heal and help where needed.. Most practitioners will offer their services voluntarily or very cheaply, at least..
If you like, I can send you Distant Healing & see if that helps..
www..padmacahaya..com lists local area coordinators.. Sending healing, blessings & Heartsmiles.. (if it feels safe you can email me re distant healing) :)Health Question & Answer

walkiing is very healthful.. diet is important to cut out processed foods and fried foods eat vegs and fruits and meat .. you have to work on changing your thoughts to positive and develop an attitude of graditude.. start looking at all u do have and are thankful for, make a list.. Focus on the good.. a good b complex vitamin is good the ones at the health food store are better.. meditation and reading the bible is good..
oh yeah cut out sugar and caffieneHealth Question & Answer

As a regular meditator I can claim that meditation is the best way to treat anxiety and depression.. You can have very good health if you practice t..m..Health Question & Answer

I coach people & you might want to try that cause it would give you someone to talk to which is really a theraputic thing in itself.. I also give people exercises to do that help them heal from anxiety & depression.. This things are so powerful.. For example if you just make a list of 100 things you are thankful for you will see a difference in your life......If a person wants to set goals they might have about 3 goals for the week.. If one of them is to look into different ways to improve wholitically they might say they are going to order DVD's from the library on Yoga & the next week come back after picking a favorite one.. Every week they can pick something different so tai chi could be next.. So they don't feel overwhelmed.. Yet they are building a stronger foundation in life.. You could go to youtube..com & look for beautiful scenery or relaxing meditations.. I strongly recommend you try coaching because you have a person who can help you see what you need as you are on your journey.. If you have something going on that week the coach can say Ok, would you like to work on seeing this relationship in a healthier way or would you like to set a goal to get that into your life.. E-mail me if you want to try it..Health Question & Answer

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