Is there a natural way to improve bad peripheral vision and night-loss vision?!

Question: Is there a natural way to improve bad peripheral vision and night-loss vision.?
I'm aware that certain loss of peripheral vision, such as tunnel vision, can't be treated or reversed but I was curious if there were natural way sto improve or treat bad peripheral vision as well as bad night vision..Health Question & Answer

No, not elderberries - bilberries, very similar to wild blueberries, have been shown to improve night vision.. also any natural source of vitamin A or beta carotene will help with that..

If you have a toxic liver, as most of us do in this polluted world we live in, doing a gentle liver cleanse will improve eye health also.. Just buy a l1 oz.. liquid extract that contains Milk Thistle Seed (aka Silimarin), possibly Burdock Root or other blood purifying herb, and Dandelion Root to cleanse the kidneys.. Take that once a day until all gone (about a month).. Then buy a 1 oz.. liquid extract of just Milk Thistle Seed and take that once a day until used up.. While using these herbs, drink abundant water and consume plenty of fiber to keep the kidneys and bowels moving freely..

As for the tunnel vision, assuming that came on slowly, it's probably astigmatism and can be improved slightly with eye exercises.. If it happened quickly, see your opthamoligist immediately, as it can be caused by a retinal tear and/or stroke..Health Question & Answer

Elderberries are good for night vision.. Used by the RAF in WWII..Health Question & Answer

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