Which Multi-Vitamin is good for the ones who have weak stomachs?!

Question: Which Multi-Vitamin is good for the ones who have weak stomachs.?
Everytime I take certain Vitamin tablets, I get diarrhea..

Which Multi Vitamin is good for the ones who have weak stomach and intestines.?

Can you recommend me a certain brand or product name.?Health Question & Answer

I know exactly what you mean.. My sister in law and a friend both had that problem with there stomachs.. Synthetic vitamins that are everywhere do not do so well with people with sensitive stomachs.. I will recommend to you what I recommended to them that worked for them.. Take organic natural vitamins like Nutrilite Double X Vitamin/Mineral/Phytonutrient.. That is a wonderful multivitamin set.. There is also Nutrilite Daily Multivitamin/Multimineral is you are wanting something simple.. Go to .com" rel="nofollow">http://Arcameda..com and click on vitamins then click on Multivitamin.. If you need further advice, go to my profile to email me.. Your body will recognize natural/organic products..Health Question & Answer

Maybe your body is telling you, that you don't really
need all that stuff in the multivitamin..
Try taking just the few that don't appear in your diet
as much, and eating as much fresh fruits and veg as you
can, nuts, whole grains.. The vits from nature have other
ingredients with them, that don't appear in pills, and will
stick with you better..
If you must take a supplement, try an enteric coated one..
It will go through your stomach and dissolve in your
intestines..Health Question & Answer

What multi-vitamins have you tried.?
How old are you.?

hmm........ All I can suggest really is that you should take your vitamin with a meal or when your stomach is full..

also, maybe you should look into liquid multi-vitamins because they are absorbed better by the body..

Another thing is,...... have you ever tried taking a children's vitamin.? (such as flinstone.?).. Sometimes, these can be much easier on the stomach..

Do you drink other "vitamin-rich" drinks or eat other "vitamin -rich" foods while taking a multi-vitamin.? If you do, this sometimes indicates that you're taking too much vitamins..

also, maybe instead of taking a pill with all the vitamins, and minerals in it, .......... maybe consider buying a drink that has all the "good stuff" in it.. Maybe liquid would be easier on your stomach..

Another thing is, It is common to have a reaction to iron in vitamins.. It can make your stomach very upset........

..........that's all I got.. lol
xDHealth Question & Answer

Stick to Flintstones..

A bit juvenile, but that is what doctors suggest pregnant women take due to vitamin intolerance..

I also suggest you take probiotics and Aloe Vera..

Probiotics can be purchased as supplements or taken in by yogurt..

Aloe Vera taken internally can help soothe your stomach and ease gastrointestinal upsets..(don't take too much otherwise it may act as a laxative)Health Question & Answer

I don't' know why certain multi-vitamin causes diarrhea.. However, Vit C overdose can cause gas, diarrhea and cramping.. You might gradually increase the Vit C level, if you need much..

I think powdered vitamins are better for absorption..Health Question & Answer

I use a vitamin called Ultra Matrix (they have one for men and one for women too) by Nutribiotic..
Its really good because it has high potency vitamins and minerals infused into spirulina.. It hasn't given me any stomach problems..

.nutribiotic..com/ultimate-matrix-male..html" rel="nofollow">http://www..nutribiotic..com/ultimate-matr......Health Question & Answer

PROBLEMS..Health Question & Answer

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