Is it safe for young teens to take vitamin supplements?!

Question: Is it safe for young teens to take vitamin supplements.?
is it dangerous in any ways.?Health Question & Answer

Yes it's completely safe. Get a whole foods multivitamin. Don't go for the cheap vitamins in wal-mart or drugstores, get them from a vitamin store. Cheap vitamins have synthetic forms of vitamins in them, which are not good for your body. You may also consider supplementing with selenium, magnesium, zinc, and a good omega 3 oil with DHA & EPA in it. Read the label and make sure it has citrate forms of minerals, vitamin D3 (this is the natural form), and B12 in the form of hydroxycobalamin or methlycobalamin (if it has cyanocobalamin, it's a very cheap vitamin). Our Western diets with heavily processed and nutrient deficient foods will not provide you with essential nutrition. also consider getting at least a half hour of sunlight per day between the hours of 10 & 2PM for your body to produce vitamin D. Good luck! Health Question & Answer

Yes it is completely safe if the vitamin is of appropriate quality and you follow the guidelines. Check out Bio-Care, they are by far the best in the industry and they are pretty good with advice. However I would say that if you are eating a balanced diet you should not need them, as trace elements and vitamins are absorbed and used in the body with MUCH greater efficiency when they are delivered as nature intended, through the food you eat. I hope that this helps. If I were you I would alter my diet first off and give it a chance, if you need info on a balanced diet let me know.Health Question & Answer

It is safe if you don't take massive amounts, particularly of the fat soluble ones like Vitamin A. It is also totally unnecessary if you are eating a well balanced healthy diet.

The multinational, multi billion dollar vitamin industry has fomented one of the greatest hoaxes of the 20th century. For the overwhelming majority of people, vitamin supplements are not needed, and are a waste of money.Health Question & Answer

It is perfectly safe for teens to have vitamins... they are the same nutrients they get in the food they eat anyway, just an easier way to take them. The most ideal one for a teen to take would be a good quality Teen Multivitamin. There are many higher quality companies out there that are readily available and well priced... just make sure the company has a good rating with either the GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) or USP (U.S. Pharmacopoeia), as those are the main quality assurance organizations (USP is for the U.S., GMP is for the U.S. and worldwide).

also, some of the other answers are right that nobody (teen or adult) should get too much of the fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K), nor of the minerals. As long as you follow the recommendations on the bottle, you should be perfectly safe.Health Question & Answer

The correct supplementation is critical to any body's wellness.

There has been a Major Breakthrough in vitamin history. Before taking or giving any supplements please read this article written by one of our world's top leading Free Radical Scientist, Dr Gary Buettner. see middle right side under Most Popular Articles and click on 8/22 Major News in Vitamins. Check out the "Share the Cause" movie directly underneath the article, it ties right into it.

Best of luck.Health Question & Answer

If its just a regular vitamin , like vitamin c then yes its okay , however if you are eating a well balenced diet then there is no need for vitamin supplements unless your doctor prescribes them , I think you should just look on labels of vitamin bottles and find out if younger people can take them , usually it'll tell you .

Much Love ,
Nicole C Health Question & Answer

Obsurd to suggest its bad. If anything you excret the vitamins/nutrients you don't use through fecal matter and urine. Don't worry about OD (unless your doctor prescribed something to you and your taking more than their recommended dose, but thats another issue all together).

If anything your wasting your money and ultimately your time. You get all the vitamins you need from your daily meals. All those products are a joke. However, vitamin D deficiency is prevalent among people who don't get a lot of sunlight. Get pills for those, and thats it.

Health Question & Answer

yes it is safe to give them vitamins but only vitamin for teen not for older people like vitamin for men/women ok now if it is dangerouse if they take more than the dose of vitamins or stronger than they should take the could get too much iron in there blood wich could lead to poisoning please voteHealth Question & Answer

Its a bad habit give them foods high in all vitimins
Can be dangerous
xHealth Question & Answer

it depends check on the labelHealth Question & Answer

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