What are these little red dots under my skin?!

Question: What are these little red dots under my skin.?
I have these little red dots under my skin.. And when you run your finger over them, you can feel them slightly raised.. They don't itch nor do they hurt.. They look kinda like a bug bite but they also look like its just blood under the skin.. Only not like a hickey or a pinch because they are round.. Almost a week ago I had two on my upper left arm on inside of my arm.. And tonight after going through a bunch of stuff and packing some of it up I sat down to rest and saw them on my legs.. I have 5 on my left lower part of my leg and one on my right leg on the inside of the thigh next to the back part of my knee.. Can anyone maybe give a few hints as to what it could be maybe.. I don't think its a rash since they don't itch but I have heard of some rashes not itching..Health Question & Answer

Are they really tiny.? Like the size of a pen tip.? If you press do they get paler then turn red again.?

They are probably this thing (I can't spell it right sorry) called telangiectasia.?
It is just a tiny burst blood vessel.. You can get them from sunburn, skin damage, bruises, other trauma to your skin.. Unless you have a ton of them its not anything to worry about.. If you break out in a big rash of them especially when you're sick its a bad sign but in general its not anything to worry about..Health Question & Answer

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