Hepatitis C question?!

Question: Hepatitis C question.?
My father died of hepatitis C last Monday at 54.. He was diagnosed in 2002 and was told that he likely had it for 20 years or more.. When I lived at home as a child and teenager sometimes we would have used the same razor or nail clippers and I am wondering what are the chances that I could have contracted hepatitis C from the razors or clippers.. As well if I do have the early stages of HCV would it show up on a blood test.? I know that with the HIV it can takes years to show up on a test and it can still be spread.. Is HCV like HIV in a way where it may not show up on a test for years.? I have two babies and I really don't want to find out that I gave them something like this.. Thank you..Health Question & Answer

Hep C: Transmitted by contact with infected blood, the virus can stay alive on surfaces (such as razors, toothbrushes, clippers, anything that could have the infected person's blood on it) for UP TO 4 DAYS--That's why you should NEVER share razors, toothbrushes, or clippers with someone who has Hep C.. Risk of infection this way is VERY high!

HIV: Doesn't live outside the body for more than a few minutes.. Usually shows up on tests within 3 months of infection, but in rare cases it can take 6 months to show up.. It could take years before symptoms occur, but it would NOT take years to show up on tests..
HIV can be transmitted before a person knows that they themselves are infected..

***You need to be tested for Hep C as soon as possible.. Check with your doctor to see if he/she recommends having the children and their father tested as well, although the virus is rarely transmitted through sexual contact..Health Question & Answer

The only way that HCV is transmitted efficiently is by the transfer of blood, usually by transfusion or by sharing contaminated needles.. While you may contact a very small amount of blood by sharing a razor, it is unlikely that this would provide an infectious dose of the virus.. If you are concerned, you can ask for a blood test to see if you have been exposed.. The test will be positive within weeks after exposure if you are infected.. BTW, HCV is not transmitted sexually, the way HBV can be..Health Question & Answer

I'm pretty sure that Hepatitis C is an STD and therefore is mostly spread through bodily fluid exchange.. I don't think you can get it from using the same clippers or razor, but you can go get tested anyway..Health Question & Answer

Go get tested, it would show up if you have it.. You should have gotten tested when you found out your dad had it..Health Question & Answer

Hep C is rarely if ever transmitted sexually and isn't genetic, so your babies cannot have gotten it, and if you just have vaginal or oral sex with your wife or partner, you probably did not transmit it to her.. Anal sex is another story, even in hetero couples, anal sex is traumatic and causes a lot of blood from the tearing of delicate tissues, you could possibly transmit it that way, but other than that don't worry.. As for you, it is possible to get Hep C from toothbrushes or nail clippers but it's even rare, so I would just have a full Hep C blood panel and collect your negative results, and you can move on.. But you can't move on from your dads death and for that I am very sorry and I hope you can gain strength over time.. Best to you and your family..Health Question & Answer

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