My husband can't sleep! he was just diagnosed with lymphoma?!

Question: My husband can't sleep! he was just diagnosed with lymphoma.?
my husband was just diagnosed with lymphoma (we're not sure if it's Hodgkin's or non Hodgkin's yet, the test results will be here next week).. anyways, and he can't sleep anymore.. the doctor prescribed him some sleeping medication, but he still wakes up every 2 to 3 hours and can't fall back asleep.. i was wondering if anyone knows what i can do to help or if there are some kind of natural remedies for this.? can anyone relate.? Health Question & Answer

Unfortunatley this is the most common problem following a shock diagnosis or bad news.. Understandably he is upset, stressed and the minute he wakes he is overcome with tthoughts etc..

This may ease once firm diagnosis of type is made, treatment route is chosen etc but there is little that will ease his mind.. Encourage naps through the day so his body is still getting sleep..

Fresh air before bed time may help..Health Question & Answer

PLEASE no natural remedies such as herbs, at least not now! Make sure to tell your doctor about his non sleeping.. And also tell about whatever other changes you notice in him.. Remember it is family members the ones that are closer to patient and notice the difference in everything..

Reassure him everything will be alright and at same time be ready for second or third opinion from other doctors.. Remember to prudently ask every question you feel necessary to all medical professionals involved in his treatments and diagnosis..

This might be the last thing in your mind right now but it is a fact that having a positive disposition will always greatly help any patient.. It is true laughter, music, relaxation, humor, and good non-strenous exercise go a long way..Health Question & Answer

You both must be going through hell at the moment, his mind will be doing overtime..

I know how you feel as my daughter has just been through treatment for something similar..

Have you tried Nightol its a herbal pill remedy that you can buy over the counter or there is a cream that you rub on your pillow and it is meant to soothe you to sleep or a massage and hot drink (not coffee) before bed..

I would only use the Nightol if your husband has not started any treatment yet, or ask the doctors for advice just in case..

Hope everything works out for you.. Thinking of you..
Health Question & Answer

Tell your husband you love him, and then call the doctor back.. There's no good reason to rely on yahoo when he's already under the care of a doctor.. Health Question & Answer

It's stress - I couldn't sleep or eat for about a week after I was diagnosed.. Try helping him talk about it, try helping him use some calming therapies - meditation, watching a funny movie, visiting with close friends or family, baths, walks, etc.. And try to decrease his stress as much as you can by taking on all the responsibilities you can - my husband took care of the bills and my mom took on the cleaning etc.. - it just helps to have less to think about doing.. Go to the doctor's appointments with him to help him remember what they say and help make decisions about treatment - also talk to the doctor about the stress..
I drink some chamomile tea before I go to bed, as a relaxer, also, calcium helps you feel tired, so get some calcium supplements and have him take a regular dose about a half hour before he goes to bed and eat it with some cheese or yogurt - they are better absorbed with other calcium foods..

Getting some kind of exercise - preferably outdoors - will help with the stress- go for a walk together after work, etc..

Eating well also helps with the sleeping and stress- when we are upset we tend to turn to the things that are the worst for us physically, but eating fresh fruits and vegis and healthy whole grains is the best way to help your body cope with stress..
Good luck with everything..
I wish you the best..Health Question & Answer

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