I need serious help for my Insomnia?!

Question: I need serious help for my Insomnia.?
I have had it all my life.. My mom said that when I was 2 years old, I would sing to myself all night.. I am now 16, and it has just gotten worse over time.. It does run in the family.. I stay up for 3 days in a row, and I do not even feel tierd.. I know its not good, but I cant sleep for my life! I have tried OTC sleep meds, but they either take HOURS to kick in, or they do not kick in at all.. My mom and my boyfriend do not want me taking prescription sleep meds, because they do not want me becoming dependant on them.. But I cant sleep without something..

My mom tells me to just lay down, turn off the lights, and relax.. I try that.. And all that happens, is thoughts running though my head, So many that I can not sleep.. Thre is ONE thing that makes me sleep tho.. Informertials! Sometimes.. I have also tried drinking tea, and warm milk.. Nothing..

Are there any home remidies to this suff.? I really need to sleep..

(I do not go to school, so I dont have wake up at 6am, but I would like to wake up around 9am.. When I finally do get to sleep, I dont wake up unill 3pm!)
help!Health Question & Answer

Have you tried melatonin.? It is like a supplement version of the chemical your body produces naturally to help you sleep at night.. Only take 1 pill, the pills usually have more than the average person needs and its not healthy to take too much.. Take it right at bedtime..

I think you should really see a doctor though, this sounds like some sort of weird medical problem or something.. Its not normal to stay up for 3 days straight and also very unhealthy even if you don't feel bad..
also make sure you get enough exercise and spend good amount of time in the sunlight during the day.. Health Question & Answer

There is this vitamin called Melatoma or vitamin B you can get it at any drug store.. Just tell the pharmasist ur looking for something that will help you sleep.. also Excedrin with sleep aid helps.. Health Question & Answer

It sounds as if you don't have a very good pattern for sleep and awake time also your mind is still active.. You need to change both of them.. You can try reading boring mostly but yet it is educational in its own way.. i now with me if I read RD it does not take long and I get real droopy eyes.. You need to try and sleep say around 9 pr 10 pm and then set a clock to wake you up by 9am.. It will become a pattern real soon.. As for me when the sun is up I'm up and when it goes down I'm not far behind it and I stay active as in clean up around the house do some laundry, cook, take care of the yard, and go out and pick up cans on the side of the road.. Some of it is the same each day but i don't mind it because I stay active and can sleep at night..Health Question & Answer

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