I think i may have diabetes, but dont know how to tell my parents?!

Question: I think i may have diabetes, but dont know how to tell my parents.?
I went on the internet last night and i looked up diabetes and symptoms and cures and everything, and i have most of the symptoms, and i am hypoglycemic(not sure how to spell that) so there is a very high chance that i may have diabetes and Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) may be present and Severe diabetic ketoacidosis can cause difficulty breathing, brain swelling (cerebral edema), coma, or death, and i was up all night crying because its kinda scary knowing that you may have a life-threatening disease, and i want to get tested.. My parents and I aren't all that close so its not like i tell them everything, so i need some help on how i should ask them to take me to the doctor to get tested..Health Question & Answer

If you can't talk to your parents, talk to a teacher or minister, or good friends mother who will talk to your parents for you.. They need to know.. I would be upset if you were my child who was so scared about something like this and felt you could not come to me and say something.. Most teens feel they can't talk to their parents for one reason or another, but I bet if you did, you would find that it wasn't all that bad and they would be very receptive to what you were saying.. A diabetic can have hypoglycemic episodes when their blood sugar is too low, but you can't actually be diabetic and true hypoglycemic at the same time.. Here are some of the most common symptoms of both types of diabetes.. You don't have to be overweight or be eating the wrong foods to develop this disease.. But it can be easily managed if you take your meds and watch your diet.. You can live a long normal life..........

Constant thirst
Frequent urination
Constant hunger
Nausea or vomiting
Unexplained weight loss OR gain
Leg cramps
Blurry vision
Reoccurring yeast infections in women, itching penis in men
Frequent boils
Itching skin with no rash
Sweet smelling urine
Slow healing wounds
Burning, tingling sensations in hands,arms, legs, or feet..

If you are hypoglycemic your may experience

Cold sweating, the feeling of hot and cold at the same time,
Unexplained tiredness
Feeling woozie when you get up
Watery mouth or dry mouth
Feeling like you need to lay down right now and sleep
If not treated immediately, it can cause you to lose concsiousness and possibly go into a coma, and even lead to death..

Diabetics experience hypoglycemia when their blood sugars go to low from not eating when they should, or taking too much insulin.. Type 1 diabetics and most type 2 diabetics need to take medications to keep their blood sugars from going too high.. A person that is hypoglycemic does not have high blood sugar problems..
You need to talk to your parents asap and see a doctor asap.. You are not going to die from what ever is your problem, diabetes or hypoglycemia.. It can all be managed and controlled.. Hypoglycemica is all about eating the right food at the right time.. I had it most of my life and then developed diabetes.. My husband is hypoglycemic as were most of my kids.. Talk to someone NOW.. Good luck..Health Question & Answer

No matter how close you and your parents are that is something you have to tell your parents.. You just say ' I think i have diabeties' and show them a website or stuff which has lists of symptoms and explain what it could do (death being the primary 'symptom').. You could also go to the hospital or clinic and ask to be tested.. You disease in not something you keep under raps.. Health Question & Answer

the first thing you have to ask yourself if you suspect yourself having diabetes is this: do you have a family history of diabetes.? if the answer is no, then you definitely have no diabetes.. diabetes is a genetic thing.. and if the answer is yes, the you need to tell your parents that you need to have glucose test..

don't worry, diabetes isn't really a life-threatening disease as long as you take care of your diet and watch your insulin level, you'll be fine..Health Question & Answer

Try printing out your question and hand it to your parents.. You presented a good case and your fears.. This way your parents will know you aren't just fooling around - you have genuine fears, and not many parents can say no to this kind of statement..

Please don't worry so hard - the bad stuff is after years of indifference and non care.. Just start taking care of yourself and get your case in your doctor's hands..

Health Question & Answer

Go to a doctor and he will run some tests that will affirm or deny your fear.. Self diagnosis is a fool's errand.. Don't indulge in it..Health Question & Answer

OK, HUGE difference between be hypoglycemic, being diabetic, and on top of that going into DKA is rare..
Just because you have a little bit of a low sugar problem does not mean you have diabetes.. I think you seem to be a little bit on the hypochondriac side....so there is a good chance that many of these symptoms that you think you have....might not actually be present.. Not to mention that MILLIONS of people live normal lives having sugar problems, even diabetes.. There are lots of celebrities, athletes and everyday people that have it.. DKA is very rare and normally occurs in people who do not manage the diabetes.. And say that you might have a life threatening disease is a bit overboard....i mean people die from the flu everyday.. Chill out......you are going to live....i promise..Health Question & Answer

You can worry yourself sick.. Go to your doctor have them run a simple blood glucose test.. This will determine if you have it or not.. Millions of people have diabetes, The key to this disease is proper and prompt treatment.. You may not have it but it is always safe to check.. Before you go for the test you need to not eat for 8 hours before, this is called your fasting glucose.. If you know someone that has a diabetes kit at home that they stick their finger to check there sugar levels you can also look at that for a rough estimate.. between 80-100 plus or minus 10 is normal.. Good Luck.. Health Question & Answer

There are a couple of different ways you could tell them..
1) Look up stars that have diabetes, like Nick Jonas, and tell your parents about some of the interviews and stuff where they talked about when they found out about it and they're symptoms and say "I think I have the same thing".. In reply they may say "you should get tested"
2) You could do it by e-mail or text message.. That makes it a little less awkward, then the next time you see them after the message is sent, THEY will need to bring it up..
3) Try to get a chance to go on a walk with them or something.. It may be easier if you talk to the parent of the same gender as you.. It would be a great time to bring it up..

No matter how you tell them, keep in mind your parents love you and they would be sad if they knew you were scared about talking about personal health issues with them.. This is your chance to become close to your parents..
Best of Luck to you.. God Bless!!!Health Question & Answer

is there a history of diabetes in your family.?
do you always have to pee.? I'm talking a few times a hour.?
do you drink ALOT of water or other fluids daily...... .?

there's type one, which your born with and type two you develop in life because of poor eating habits..

just because you have alot of the symptoms doesn't mean you actually have it .. my dad does have it and my mom thought my sister had it because of her mood swings which happens when you're really high / low and she would also drink alot.. but she got tested and she doesn't.. shes just moody and thirsty..

yes diabetes is a serious disease, but if you take care of yourself the right way its manageable.. but not curable..

i would just come out and ask your parents.. even if your not that close they are still your family and care about your health and well being..
if your seriously are this concerned they should take you..Health Question & Answer

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