If you have an auto immune disease can you get your bellybutton pierced?!

Question: If you have an auto immune disease can you get your bellybutton pierced.?
i have hypothyroidism..Health Question & Answer

Hypothyroidism is not a reason to avoid a belly button piercing, though you will be more prone to infection than the average person.. So, you'll just have to be careful where you go (get it done professionally) and how you take care of it afterward.. How to care for your piercing at the site below.. It's a thorough explanation of what to expect afterward and you're given great advice on how to handle the healing time (it takes months rather than weeks)..

One thing I just wanted to include, make sure that you aren't allergic or sensitive to nickel.. If you already have piercings and you're doing fine with them, then you should be fine getting your belly button pierced..Health Question & Answer

I have several autoimmune diseases.. In my case, my doctor would very likely advise against it.. But not all autoimmune diseases react the same way.. I would be very slow to heal and I might develop an infection, but you may not be..

The best person to ask if your family doctor.. Your doc can tell you if you would have any adverse reaction to a belly button piercing and it healing correctly.. Your doc may tell you to use a 14K piece because it is less likely to cause a reaction than stainless steel, silver or nickel jewelry..Health Question & Answer

Not all hypothyroidism is auto immune, if it is then it is call Hashimoto's.. I do not know why you wouldn't be able to get your belly button pierced but just ask your doctor..Health Question & Answer

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