Infection ... HELP!?!

Question: Infection ...... HELP!.?
Hey...... I have a problem where I get a vaginal infection all the time.. I get one go to the Dr.. they gives me meds it goes away and comes back 2 weeks later.? I dont know what it causeing it and the doctors dont ever answer my questions please help me Could this be from my husband gi ving me to much oral.? I know thats TMI im sorry : / and say he has a tooth infection.? would that matter any PLEASEEE help meHealth Question & Answer

What is the name of the medication they are giving you.? Flagyl or metronidazole.? Clindamyacin.?

I need more information about your symptoms, how do you know the infection returns.?

This sounds like bacterial vaginosis, a pH imbalance in the vagina's normal bacterial.. This is commonly missed or incorrectly diagnosed, so you need to aware of your symptoms to help get the proper treatment..

If you have a foul, fishy odor to your discharge this is likely to be BV.. If you are itching or the vulvular area is red and swollen, that may be a yeast infection.. If it burns with urination or you have pain during intercourse, you should definitiely alert your doctor..

If you are diagnosed by a professional with BV there are a few other medications that can help with restoring your normal bacterial in your vagina.. Try asking your doctor to prescribe you a pH vaginal jelly for your vagina.. Sounds, gross, but it works well.. Avoid intercourse with your husband for a few days to let your vagina cleanse itself.. I don't believe it's possible to get an infection (aside from genital herpes) from oral sex with a female.. (Male oral sex is a different story because of swallowing or having ejacualte in one's mouth..) I doubt his tooth infection is the source of your infection..

Here is another idea, change doctors.. If the one you have sucks and doesn't listen to you or your concerns, try someone else..

Good luck!
Health Question & Answer

Yes it is possible.. Try not doing that and see what happens.. also have your doctor run a culture on the infection and see what it is.. Once you know what it is it will be easier to treat.. Some bacteria are resistant to antibiotics.. Health Question & Answer

My wife's condition went away after avoiding manual touch, etc.. Some use rubber gloves, yikes!Health Question & Answer

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