Can you get herpes from mono??!

Question: Can you get herpes from mono.?.?
i think i might have mono, but I'm not's my first time so I'm freaking out.. what can i do to cure or relieve it.. I really want to know, please..Health Question & Answer

There are actually a family of herpes viruses.. The thing they have in common is that they stay dormant in your body for life, and can pop up on occasion..

Chicken pox is a herpes virus, as is shingles (which is a reactivation of chicken pox), as is mono.. However, they are not the viruses that people refer to as herpes, those are the herpes simplex viruses, hsv-1 and hsv-2.. Mono is not the same as herpes simplex and cannot turn into it..

Mono is a problem in its own right.. I have never had it, but it might be a good idea to go to the doctor - since there is antiviral medication available for other herpes viruses, there might well be something you can take to help.. However, it is still a virus, so you just have to wait for the symptoms to go.. It is not damaging though, and your body will get it under control so you have nothing to worry about.. I believe over 90% of people are infected with mono at some point in their lives..Health Question & Answer

Herpes and mononucleosis are two separate viral infections.. So, in answer to your question, no, you can't get herpes from mono..

The first symptoms of mononucleosis are usually a sore throat, fever, and fatigue.. Most of the time, there's nothing to do but wait it out and take medications to help the symptoms.. However, you should go see your doctor if you're concerned, because mononucleosis is contagious and if you've got it, you should stay home and rest..Health Question & Answer

Do you have a sore throat.? Are you fatigued out of your mind.? Do you have a fever.? If you answer yes to all of these questions, you may have mono.. Soon, your lymphodes will become very swollen and there will be very big white spots where your tonsils are (unless you had them taken out).. It will even hurt to breathe because they will become very sensitive..

You cant cure mono.. You have to wait it out.. Get plenty of rest and drink fluids and eat healthy foods.. Drink hot chicken broth (my mom said this) because it will hurt less..

Waiting it out means you cant go to school (sorry if your already out of school, dont know this or if school hasnt started yet..).. When you get mono, you have to stay out for at least 3 weeks!

when you get mono, my mom sas again, you do develop fever blisters around your mouth every year after the year you got mono.. So since you got it in August/September, you will get fever blisters around your mouth every August/September.. Its not actually herpes tho.. '

Sorry to hear that youre sick.. And hope you get better soon!
Health Question & Answer

herpes and mono are caused by different viruses so mono can not cause herpes.. however, mono may make you susceptible to other infections.. why are you worried about herpes.? having unprotected sex.? this is never smart.. remember, trust no one.. it is your life and your body.. if your partner will not respect that, then the person does not respect you.. see a dr.. about the mono.. he or she can diagnose it with a simple blood test and start treatment.. also, he or she can rule out other possibilities.. remember, safer sex always (use condoms please).. protect yourself because no one else will protect you..Health Question & Answer

No, you get mono from transmitting saliva through kissing or sharing sodas.. But you get herpes from actually having sexual intercourse.. So the answer is no..Health Question & Answer

That's like asking if you can get a kidney infection from the flu.. Where would you even get such an idea.?Health Question & Answer

well if you do a little more than kissing than ya but their is a little chance of itHealth Question & Answer

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