When does one got infected by Myopia (Short sight)?!

Question: When does one got infected by Myopia (Short sight).?
When does one got affected by Myopia and what are the reasons for that......whether it is hereditary, by birth or by watching TVs closely...?Health Question & Answer

myopia isn't somethimg you can catch like chicken pox.. Generally it is caused by changes in the shape of the eye.. try this link

.yahoo..com/_ylt=A0geu9lTLbxInQoBOZpXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTB0YjdvMmZ2BHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA0Y5NDVfMTI5/SIG=124fkc5t1/EXP=1220378323/**http%3a//health..yahoo..com/ency/healthwise/hw124098" rel="nofollow">http://rds..yahoo..com/_ylt=A0geu9lTLbxInQ......Health Question & Answer

I'm a victim myself.. I do believe this site is accurate, but they are pushing corrective "pinhole" glasses..

"Over one third of our children, although born with normal vision, become nearsighted during their school years.. Many have vision that has deteriorated to the point where they would be declared legally blind if they did not have the crutch of glasses to turn to.. In some highly literate Asian countries, the incidence of acquired myopia has been increasing in recent years to the point where over 90% of college students are nearsighted! The eye doctors claim this is hereditary, even when there is no history of the problem in the family.. But, of all our senses, why is it just our vision that so rapidly deteriorates at such an early age.? What if one third of our children walked around with hearing aids or crutches.? Would that be considered just 'inherited'.? The excessive amount of reading and other close work that we do in our modern society is the REAL cause of acquired myopia.. And the glasses with minus power lenses that are normally prescribed by uncaring doctors make the vision get worse FAST!"

I've been doing eye exercises to improve my vision and I feel there has been a slight improvement.. You cup your hands over your eyes and rotate your eyes to the 12 clock positions..

Edit: as far as the next answer goes, glasses do not cure myopia.. I've been wearing glasses since 2nd grade and my eyesight gets worse every year..Health Question & Answer

TV doesn't affect eyes that way.. It is hereditary and also occurs if you put undue strain for too long.. You go to the ophthalmologist or optician and get specs made.. You can recover from the disease if you start wearing them while you are young.. Health Question & Answer

go to your ophthalmic option for tests ..he will if necessary ask and explain causes,
good luckHealth Question & Answer

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