Do cellulite creams and lotions get rid of cellulte or just give it smoother appearance?!

Question: Do cellulite creams and lotions get rid of cellulte or just give it smoother appearance.?
do you actually lose weight with this cream.. what i want to know is how can i get it out of my body and drop weight associated with it..Health Question & Answer

No one product, machine or treatment is going to get rid of cellulite for good.. Although the medical treatments work people often get the cellulite back because they continue with the same lifestyle habits.. The best bet to beat cellulite is a 3 pronged attack using exercise, alterations to your diet and a cellulite cream.. This method works because removes the cellulite and teaches you good habits not to get cellulite again..

what does exercise do.? It burns of excess fat and tones the cellulite damaged area.. things to remember when exercising:
-pick exercises that are specific to your cellulite problem area.. otherwise you could be wasting your time
-focus primarily on cardiovascular exercises while executing anaerobic exercises to tone the area
-three 30min sessions per week is enough to see results but more is quicker..

Your diet is one of the biggest contributer to people cellulite.. Cellulite is caused by the fat cells in the cellulite area expanding because your diet contains too much saturated fat and toxins.. These make the cells expand and clump together causing the dimpled effect on the skin.. couple of diet tips:
-drink more water to flush out toxins
-try not to drink alcohol
-remove as saturated fat from your diet as possible and foods that are high in toxins
-try not to eat foods that are highly processed and high in sugar
-eat more fresh fruit and vegeatbles

What does the cellulite cream do.? The cellulite has damaged your skins connective tissue and cell structure.. So the body tries to repair itself but can't anywhere enough of the specific nutrients needed to repair the problem.. A good cellulite supplies the nutrients desperately needed.. There are a lot of creams on the market and it's hard to find the best one.. Probably the best cream is from revitol their cream has great reputation of working successfully.. That have a good customer service team.. Good prices.. But the best part is that it works.. It's highly recommended you can find it here .com/" rel="nofollow">

good luckHealth Question & Answer

no you can't they don't workHealth Question & Answer

Cellulite creams have nothing to do with weight lossHealth Question & Answer

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