Hard Lymph Node In Back Of Neck ?!

Question: Hard Lymph Node In Back Of Neck .?
I had a hard pea sized lymph node in the back of my neck right under where the hair line starts for about 5 or 6 years.. Its stayed the same size, and is not painful.. It feels hard and rubbery.. It worries me so much, and I have been to 3 different doctors and they all told me that it was nothing to worry about and that its normal.. None of them have actually done any test.. They all just felt the node with her hands and stuff.. Im guessing if nothing has happened to me, and its been there for 6 years then their is nothing to worry about.. Im just scared it could be cancer.. I really want to them to remove the node if they could, or even would.. Do you think this is serious.. Or should I listen to my doctors .?Health Question & Answer

Even though 3 doctors dismissed it, it doesn't mean it's nothing.. I was diagnosed by 3 doctors with a pneumonia and I actually had stage 4 Lymphoma, so what's your answer to that.? Doctors are human too, they make mistakes and misdiagnosis.. If it really worries you, ask for a biopsy of the node and let the doctors know that it worries you to have it there..

Just tell him/her that even if it is nothing, you'd like to put your mind at ease.. It's causing stress and you've got enough stress in your life than dealing with a swollen node..

Lymphoma is a pretty aggressive cancer and after 6 years with no other symptoms, it could just be fatty tissue.. But it's your body and your state of mind.. You make the calls on your gut feeling.. If none of them want to do a biopsy, find someone who will..

I'm pretty sure it might be nothing, but I hope the best!Health Question & Answer

Listen to your doctors and you must know that psysical examination is the best-you can find more than you can imagine..The fact that your lymph node stayed the same size all these years,ensures that is normal..no cancer..I suggest you to leave as it is..Sometimes when we try to remove something we cause more damage..SO,STOP THINKING ABOUT IT ALL THE TIME-JUST CHECK IT ONCE A YEAR..Health Question & Answer

If three different doctors say it's fine, then I wouldn't worry..

I have the same thing in the back of my neck, and I've had it for years as well.. My doctor says it comes from stress..Health Question & Answer

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