WHy do people say you can get cancer?!

Question: WHy do people say you can get cancer.?
I know somebody that smoked 50 years and died from natural couses..
And somebody else smoked 2 years and got lung cancer
and why do people say you can get cancer from fast-food or coca-cola.?,you don't know anything about it,why do some people do anything that is not right and don't get cancer and someone does 1 mistake and it's over.?Health Question & Answer

Smoking has been proven to cause lung cancer and contribute to some other cancers..

That doesn't mean that everyone who smokes will get cancer, or that people who don't smoke won't get lung cancer..

The most frightening thing about cancer is that nobody knows what causes it, and it affects the healthy and unhealthy alike.. We just don't know why one person gets cancer and another person with the same risk factors, or lack of them, doesn't..

You are right though - there is no food that has been proven to cause or contribute to cancer, and many people do have a pet theory about what causes cancer (usually they'll claim it's diet) while in reality knowing nothing about it at all..

It's often less scary for people who haven't had cancer to 'blame the victim' than it is for them to accept the fact that cancer is a largely random disease that can strike any of us at any time..Health Question & Answer

The chances of getting cancer if you smoke are much greater than if you don't.. Even second hand smoke is dangerous.. People know about things that cause cancer because they listen to the news.. They aren't saying you WILL get cancer.. They are saying it's more likely that you COULD get cancer..
We do know which foods are carcinogenic.. There is scientific proof for many of the offending foods, and certainly too for cigarettes.. Health Question & Answer

genetics basically.. For most people high risk behavior like smoking or eating fast food all the time will result in cancer or various other health problems.. For a very select few it doesn't cause as much harm.. Health Question & Answer

I have never heard of getting cancer from coca cola or fast foods, but it has been scientifically proven that smokimg can cause cancerr..Health Question & Answer

every person has different biology and each action has action has different effects on different peopleHealth Question & Answer

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