Question about borderline Diabetes and proper foods? ?!

Question: Question about borderline Diabetes and proper foods.? .?
is there anyone who controlled their Diabetes with food when it was borderline.? (101) I have never had any problems and am under tremendous stress and feel not eating has caused this, any suggestions.? thank youHealth Question & Answer

stress alone makes the glucose rise.. exercise can help lower the sugar levels too.. drinking a lot of water and eating high fiber foods like bread with whole grains..
I stay away from foods that dissolve in water because they have starch that becomes sugar quickly when you eat it.. check the carb amounts on the foods you eat but not the calories.. I stay away from the potatoes and white rice and noodles but I eat pasta with whole wheat and breads that are dark and seedy.. I love brown rice and I eat a lot of vegetables and fish and meat.. you must limit your fruit but only eat the fresh fruit.. I drink metamucil to keep regular and put cinnamin in my coffee and tea to help keep the sugar levels down..
drink a lot of water and using stevia sweetner or else splenda helps..
eat small frequent meals and lose a few pounds.. foods like peanutbutter are good but they can have hidden sugar in them so be careful..
Health Question & Answer

I found several foods that helped me.. Here is my plan for today for instance:

Breakfast: 4 oz glass OJ, two soft boiled eggs
Snack: 10:00 am.. Crackers and peanut butter approx 6 crackers
Lunch: Tossed salad, milk
Afternoon Snack: around
Supper: chicken breast, 1/2 acorn squash baked small tossed salad

I find that sometimes alternating eggs with 1/2 cup cottage cheese or ricotta chees for breakfast is good.. I alternate chicken breast with tuna 1/2 can sometimes with a veggie.. I liimit pasta to once a week.. I drink a lot of milk.. As far as cereal goes, I like cereal for lunch sometimes and eat rice chex or rice crispies, anything without a lot of sugar.. Shredded wheat is also good or cheerios..Health Question & Answer

i am a borderline diabetic and you can controll it with the right food and not eating is not a good thing you can get weak and possibly go in a sugar comaHealth Question & Answer

Blueberries lower blood sugar.. Eating them, every day if possible, might help..
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