
Question: Abscess.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?
can an abscess be on another body part aside from the mouth.? my friends' son got something that looked like an abscess on his butt.. can it be that.?Health Question & Answer

It sure can.. You can have an abcess show up anywhere in the body.. An abcess simply means the infection is beneath the skin surface, and that's what a boil or carbuncle really is.. They are pretty common on the tush and thighs.. Just apply moist heat to the spot, as hot as his tushie can take it, as often as you care to apply it.. He can also soak in a nice hot tub.. Eventually, in a few days it will form a central white spot and drain all by itself.. Warning though, when it drains, it will smell NASTY.. Just before it drains, it will also hurt like nothing else he's ever known.. Don't poke, prod, or squeeze it - that can rupture it beneath the skin, and will just make matters worse.. The more often you can apply moist heat, the sooner it will drain itself.. If it doesn't drain within a week then a trip to the doctor is in order, so it can be incised and drained.. Try to avoid that if you can help it- the child won't much appreciate the procedure.. Adults sure don't.. Meantime, keep him out of tightie whities and into very loose fitted clothing.. Boxers are about ideal.. Keep the spot covered with a bandage.. When it starts to drain, a gentle pressure downward at the sides will finish the drain job.. Be careful though, not to spread the liquid contents to other skin- it can create new spots on him and you.. After it drains, keep a nice absorbant bandage on it, changing it twice a day.. Wash with antibacterial soap as well.. Once it drains it will feel much better, and will heal pretty quickly.. In the meantime, it's just going to hurt and hurt worse until it finally does drain..Health Question & Answer

Yes, there can be an abscess on other parts of the body besides the mouth, it is called a soft tissue abscess.. I would suggest bringing him to the doctor IMMEDIATELY.. If that's what it is, they will most likely just subscribe him antibiotics.. If it has been too long they may have to drain it, either by needle or they might cut it open depending on the severity.. Abscesses can progress pretty quickly, I had one that became really severe in just one week.. So I would definitely have him get it checked out right away.. Good Luck!Health Question & Answer

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