What could this mark be?!

Question: What could this mark be.?
I have a small oval shaped mark on my arm that's about an inch in diameter that looks sort of like a minor burn (like when you touch you arm to a hot pan) that appeared about a week ago (I didn't burn it).. It's slightly reddened/darkened but not bright looking.. Yesterday it bubbled up sort of irregularly for about two hours and was itchy with a small white point in the middle, then went back down on its own.. Today it looks like it has for the past week, smooth, very slightly raised and very slightly discolored.. What is this.?Health Question & Answer

I think you've done a good job at trying to describe it, but without actually seeing the thing you're talking about (at least by a picture), then it would be almost impossible to tell..

However, if I had to make an educated guess, it sounds like something got in contact with your skin (contact dermatitis).. You could try some over-the-counter hydrocortisone and see if that helps.. If it's still there after 4-5 days, then see your health care provider..

Best of luck!Health Question & Answer

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