My son is getting his adnoids and tonsils out in a week and I am so scared as to what to expect.?!

Question: My son is getting his adnoids and tonsils out in a week and I am so scared as to what to expect...?
He is six and has had strep throat 5 time this year.. So they are taking his adnoids and tonsils out.. What should I expect recovery wise they have him out out of school for two weeks.. What kind of pain meds do they give kids.? Thanks

Sacred MomHealth Question & Answer

He will have a very sore throat for a good part of the first week.. The old thought used to be ice cream after the surgery but, from my experience with my daughter she was nauseated from the anesthesia and didn't even want it.. Your doctor should have given you a good description of what to expect and after care instructions! Anyway, it's important to have your son drink lots of fluids (it's reccomended to not use a straw as the sucking could irritate the healing tissue) and eat soft foods, as his appetite desires.. Stock your fridge with lots of Popsicles ( warning-avoid red pops as it can dye the mouth and throat and look like irritation!) applesauce, pudding, yogurt, soft breads, mashed potatoes and chicken noodle soup.. He will probably be on an antibiotic and the Dr.. will give you a prescription for a pain medicine (my daughter used it for the first 2 days then did fine with tylenol)..Have him bring a favorite stuffed animal or blankie when you go to the hospital so he has something comforting for the transitions and I would talk to anesthesia ahead of time and request that they put his iv in after they start the anesthesia.. If they aren't willing to do that then ask for a prescription to be called in for EMLA cream which is a topical numbing lotion that comes with a clear large band-aid which you can apply 30 min to 1 hour before any iv or bloodwork is to be drawn to save him any pain or upset.. I would have plenty of movies, books on tape/cd, a stack of new books from the library, an activity book and markers at his bedside at home for recovery time..Knowing as much as you can ahead of time and being prepared for the recovery time at home will help both of you have a better experience.. I trust everything will go well and he can enjoy not having all those sore throats in the future..Health Question & Answer

be calm......if he sees you afraid he will be too.. They will allow you back into the surgery prep room and usually you can stay until he falls asleep from the anesthesia administered there.. You can expect to take him home on the same day as the surgery, usually.. He will sound froggy for a while, have a sore throat that can be treated with tylenol with codeine for the 1st week.. Keep him full of liquids, ice creams, jellos and anything that slids down with little pain..

He's 5, and they are really resillient and bounce back fast, make sure you keep him quiet and in the bed for a few days to make sure he's rested..Health Question & Answer

Take it from me, I experienced this actual procedure when I was in 6th grade.. The preparation is not so bad at all, they give him a regular dose of anesthesia, and once he is asleep the procedure begins.. He will wake up with a mouth as dry as a desert, and although he may really want water, they will either give him ice-chips or a small wet sponge to pat around his mouth.. Then they will give him a Popsicle.. When he takes the Popsicle out, don't be surprised if there is blood.. This is totally normal, it is leftover blood.. He will not be in any pain until he probably gets home.. He will have Tylenol with coding and it will greatly decrease the pain! He will have to eat liquids first, then the solids come gradually, don't give him chips until about 2 months because those can mess up the stitches! This is the average procedure for a child, and I loved eating yogurt.. The smooth feeling of it going down my throat was so soothing.. The pain can be really bad, but it goes away and never comes back! Good luck, and don't be worried, after this surgery, you can just cross strep out of your vocabulary!
Health Question & Answer

He will have a sore throat for awhile and may be a little cranky.. Most kids do very well, the younger the better.. They don't seem to have the problems that older kids and adults have.. All 5 of my kids had there tonsils and adenoids out, they had them done as early as the age of 3 and as old as 9.. None of them ever had any problems.. They were usually back to their old self in 3 or 4 days.. And they never had the constant problems with infections like they used to.. Only once in a great while.. My kids that were in school only missed a week of it.. Just be sure to have lots of Popsicles and sherbet on hand.. Ice cream is not normally recommended because it can cause more mucus production, which could cause him to cough.. That can cause unnecessary pain........Health Question & Answer

My son was 7 and it will be fine, and yes, he was out of school for 2 weeks, and they gave him tylenol with codine but he only asked for it for the first 4 days.. He will be fine! I will pray for a fast recovery!Health Question & Answer

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