How do you know if you are allergic to peanuts, shrimp, or whatever?!

Question: How do you know if you are allergic to peanuts, shrimp, or whatever.?
I have eaten peanuts and shrimp, and I have been stung by a bee.. I obviously am not allergic to them.. But I don't remember being tested or anything..

If someone is severely allergic to any of these, or others, how would they know it.? How would they know without taking the death-defying taste.? I also don't have kids, so I don't know if babies are automatically tested for these..

Answering "Eat one.. If you live, you aren't allergic" doesn't count! I've already thought of that..
Health Question & Answer

To start, let me tell you I am severely allergic to a wide range of things including everything that lives or grows indoors or outdoors, a few drugs (penicillin, vicodin, etc), and some other random things.. Thankfully, peanuts and shellfish are not on my list, because you're absolutely right......they tend to be deadly to those who are allergic to them.. However, I am allergic to other foods, specifically frozen foods that have meat and use a certain preservative..

Usually, when a person is around something they are allergic to a few things can happen.. 1) Sneeze/Wheeze 2) Watery eyes 3) Itchy all over 4) Groggy/Tired (your head feels heavy) 5) Hives: either large, blotchy hives which is common with food allergies and/or small pin prick hives which is common with drug allergies.. 6) Shortness of Breath 7) Throat swells up.. These are the things I have experienced, personally.. I'm sure if you look on webmd you can find more symptoms, but I think the ones I listed are pretty common..

Unfortunately, the only way to tell if you're allergic to something is to have a reaction.. Allergy tests are very expensive ($500-$800 just for the test) and I haven't met a family doctor (excluding pediatricians, who will do "versions" of an allergy test) who will do you have to go to a specialist (who charges between $100-$275 for the visit)..

Usually children who are of parents with allergies are watched by their pediatrician for any signs of reactions.. If a child shows signs of allergies, they usually do a blood test, where they draw blood once and test the "big" allergies with this one sample.. Many specialists say this test is not accurate.. Usually a sratch test (where they scratch you will plastic droppers containing the allergen) or back test (roll 3 or 4 contraptions, with usually 10 needles each, dipped in different allergens on your back) is recommended to find exactly what's going on..

I don't think babies are automatically tested for allergies.. I understand your logically thinking on that though......Take the kid in for an immunization shot, get allergy tested, physical, etc......and make sense with the way allergies are popping up now.. Check out the link I pasted below, it'll tell you everything you could want to know..Health Question & Answer

Generally people find out about these allergies but eating the food and having a reaction.. The level of reaction can vary from slight cough or rash to extreme..

They can test for allergies but usually don't unless there is a reason.. Like the person is exhibiting allergy symptoms and they want to find out what that person is allergic too.. Health Question & Answer

they will not twest for these things routinely.. if you are showing signs of an alergy they might testHealth Question & Answer

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