My knee caps and elbows are darker than my skin?!

Question: My knee caps and elbows are darker than my skin.?
How can I make it come out.? Or fix it or whatever.?What are some things that I can use that I may have at home.? Please help me..

Thank you..Health Question & Answer

Cause of dark elbows and knees: It is generally caused by a built up of dead skin cells from the amount of abuse these two areas get.. Always treat your knees and elbows with care and they will be beautiful for you!Remedies for dark elbows and knees: Cut a lemon in half, and scrub your knees with it.. Leave the juice on for as long as possible.. You could also do this at night and leave the juice on overnight.. also, make sure your knees are well moisturized constantly, try to find a cream (or make your own) that contains green tea and cocoa butter.. Scrub them gently with a pumice stone daily when taking bath to get rid of dead skin.. also, don't kneel on your knees, and treat them with care.. As always, drinking plenty of pure water is the key to beautiful skin.. also, drinking herbal teas with rose hips, honey, green tea, and chamomile help to promote healthy skin.. Spreading honey on the skin is another good way to naturally moisturize..

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