Blood Clot - Left arm...anybody out there? Having a hard day.?!

Question: Blood Clot - Left arm......anybody out there.? Having a hard day...?
Hi guys and girls,

I'm from Seattle and two weeks ago had emergency surgery (D&E).. They
inserted many peripihal (sp) catheters in my left and right arms to
administer medications.. I was released from hospital and noticed how
painful and swollen my left arm was.. In a few days the site was very
red, hot to the touch and I could barely move my arm.. So 10 days ago
I went back to the ER and showed them my arm.. The ER doctor looked at
it and got my background information and told me it was Superficial
Phlebitis but he wanted to get an ultrasound.. They took the
ultrasound and the doctor told me that yes there was a clot in my
superficial vein and that he even asked another radiologist to

He sent me home with a prescription for the infection and told me to
take Ibuprophen and follow up in two days with a Vascular Surgeon to
make sure the clot had not moved.. I said, "if it hasn't moved then
what.?" He said, "then nothing.."

A week ago on Tuesday I went in for the follow up.. The technician
took the ultrasound and told me the clot was still there and had not
moved.. This clot is about 2 inches long from elbow up.. He said that
it was superficial and that if it was Deep Vein he'd have the doctor
called right away to discuss.. Anyway, he made me an appointment to
see the actual doctor two days later to discuss my situation..

I came in last Thursday and met with my Vascular Surgeon, Mark.. He
was once the chief surgeon at the hospital but opened his own private
practice.. He came in and told me that yes it looks like a superficial
vein but then said well more "deep vein" he thinks.. Confusing.? Yep!
Okay so I started to freak out and cry.. Obviously had been told it
was superficial even from the ER radiologists and even from his
technician.. Okay, so he said I'm going to treat you with 4 aspirin a
day and come back in next Friday for another ultrasound.. I said, "not
coumadin" he said "I think that'd be overkill in your situation.."

So my follow up appointment is Friday and of course I'm worried and
fearful that the clot is worse........eventhough all the pain, swelling,
redness has gone away.. However I do get minor little short pains here
and there - even in the hand which isn't near the clot itself..

I'm just freaking out I guess.. I have two kids and I love life and I
don't want to have major anxiety over this as I have been diagnosed
in the past with anxiety and depression..

It's good that I'm being monitored right.? I mean they'd amputate my
arm first before letting me die right.? see, this is how bad my
anxiety is over this..

Any love out there.? Suggestions......stories..........;)

thanks - ames

Health Question & Answer

You sound very scared and upset.. I too once had a superficial thrombophebitus of my right arm.. and I was a bit worried.. Your arm sounds like it is improving.. You are probably not using your arm in fear of dislodging the clot and that could be the reason that you are having pain right now.. When you see the Dr.. on Friday just ask him what are the chances of the clot dislodging...? You need to ask direct questions to them just for you own sanity.. You are on both aspirin and motrin which will work together to make sure the clot is not increasing.. The clot is obviously is not obstructing blood flow because you state the swelling has decreased..Is your arm warm to touch.? Can you feel the pulses in you elbow.? Besides the medications, the human body will also try to heal it self.. My arm went back to normal in a week and I was not worried.. If there was an obstuctionof blood flow your arm would be very cold to touch and have no pulses.. It sounds to me that when you have the next ultrsound, it won't be there.. I know it's hard not to worry, just tell them on Friday what your afraid of because that is the only thing that will give you peace of mind, Repost the results on Friday, best of luck, DonnaHealth Question & Answer

they would not amputate, they would remove the clot if they were unable to dissolve it.. if the swelling and pain have diminished you can be fairly sure it has began to resolve.. Health Question & Answer

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