Do you think those who spread HIV/AIDS purposely deserve death or life in prison?!

Question: Do you think those who spread HIV/AIDS purposely deserve death or life in prison.?
If they are purposely spreading it, it is the same as actually commiting murder in the eyes of the law. I think it is worse than someone killing someone else quickly. It is a very slow, painful death. The person spreading it does deserve the death penaly.Health Question & Answer

HIV/AIDS is a lethal and deadly virus that slowly and agonizingly kills people. Spreading it on purpose and without telling sex-partners is essentially murder, because they're giving that person a death-sentence.

Like the second person said: It can be argued that knowingly giving another person HIV/AIDS is worse than murdering someone with a gun-shot to the head, because HIV/AIDS gives people a very slow and painful death whereas in the case of a gun-shot the victim dies instantly (though both are still pretty bad ways to die).

Yes, I fully believe that someone who purposely spreads HIV/AIDS without telling their sex-partners should be treated as murderers and receive their due penalty (which is typically death).Health Question & Answer

Well just cause you have unprotected sex with someone doesn't mean you deserve to get whatever they have especialy HIV/AIDS..The person that knowingly has that disease and sleeps with someone unprotected should know that the other person doesn't want to catch something so terrible and if they don't warn them or tell them upfront that they have HIV/AIDS then the other person can not willingly consent to unprotected sex cause they don't know that they could catch a deadly life in prison not the death penalty..I think that life in prison would be worse but that's just my opinion...Health Question & Answer

They need to accept responsibility, they have been infected themselves and need treatment, and counseling,
I think the person that purposely spread it to a person who contracts the HIV virus
they should be held and punished that being determined by law, that said ,
if the HIV status of said person, turns into AIDS, then, a more serious charge,
death, then a murder charge

There are still young girls on this site that are asking can I be pregnant, well maybe they should be saying , do I have Hiv.?

any one any time having unprotected sex, orally or intercourse is at risk

Love responsiblyHealth Question & Answer

**** yeah!!! That is wrong period. Don't give someone a death sentence because you're mad that you slept with someone unprotected or used a dirty *** needle. That's terrible, instead of death or life in prison just hand me a hatchet and I'll volunteer to castrate their ***.Health Question & Answer

wow answer above me was alittle physco, but yeah if they spread it on purpose they are putting other peopls live in jeopordyHealth Question & Answer

Absolutely.Health Question & Answer

<BIG><BIG><BIG>MOST DEFINATLEYHealth Question & Answer

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