What Caused My Swollen Eye?!

Question: What Caused My Swollen Eye.?
I noticed yesterday afternoon that my eye was beginning to feel slightly swollen under the eye-lid but I'm not sure what caused it. I tried looking it up on the internet and I read somewhere that it is something to do with your sinuses. That might be true because I've noticed recently that whenever I eat something hot then my nose begins to run, even if it's a really hot day. This particulary happens when I eat Pot Noodles and Chips.? I was just wondering what it really is. Thanks for the help.Health Question & Answer

could be an allergy causing your nose to run like that and that may also cause eye sweling... see what happens if you stop eating those things and take a piriton. Maybe you just got something in your eye without realising and you have had a bit of a reaction. If it doesn't calm down soon, see your doctorHealth Question & Answer

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