Diabetic and Pregnant?!

Question: Diabetic and Pregnant.?
I've had diabetes for 8 years and now I'm 26 weeks pregnant. My diabetic specialists told me that I will have to have a Cesarean because the baby would be too big to deliver due to the effects of the diabetes. However, yesterday at my ante natal appointment, my doctor told me that the baby is the correct weight and size and that a section will not be necessary! I'd just like to hear from any other diabetic ladies out there, how did you end up having your baby and did have any trouble.?Health Question & Answer

How are your sugars doing during the pregnancy.? That's what it boils down to. If they're running on the high side, one of the side affects can be the baby's size.

When it comes down to it, the OB is the one who makes the call on whether a c-section is medically necessary, not the endocrinologists.

Here's my story: type 2 diabetic for 12 years, I had a baby 8 years ago. Her ultrasounds said she would be over 9 pounds, but my OB could tell by looking at my stomach that I was not carrying a 9-lb. baby. Ultrasounds are notoriously inaccurate, and for some reason it was way off for me - she was 7 pounds. I delivered normally without a c-section.

I'm pregnant again now and there's no need to think I need a c-section because of the diabetes according to my doctor. I keep my sugars low and my A1C taken 2 weeks ago was a 4.8 (probably too low!) but if the baby is big this time, it's not because of diabetes. I'm at 30 weeks.

Congrats on your pregnancy!

Edit: good job bringing it down - I've had A1C's that high myself! You're on the right track but remember, a c-section isn't a given. You still have a lot of say in how the baby is delivered unless it becomes a medical necessity. So hang in there and up your insulin or whatever it takes to get the numbers down. The baby mostly puts weight on in the third trimester, so higher sugars then are what will affect the weight the most.Health Question & Answer

I have had 4 children. I had gestational diabetes with my first and last pregnancies. My first child I only had to follow a diet to control my sugar levels. My child was 9lbs and 11 ounces and I had her by C-Section.(But I also gained 60lbs due to the diabetes not being detected earlier when I had all the systoms).My last pregnancy, the diabetes was controlled by taking insulin pills. My son was a little over 5lbs. But since I had previous C-Sections, I had to have another one.

So I think it will boil down to how big the "estimate" your baby to be near your delivery date. With my first pregnancy, I was in labor and had every intention on delivering vaginally, but she was too big to pass through (9lbs 11oz) so I had an emergency C-Section. So it might just come down to if you are able to push your baby out or not. Health Question & Answer

Ask your doctor to put you on Insulin Injections .The fear of having big baby will not be there as you will get natural insulin same as non diabetic individual and there is no necesity of Caesarean section .All the best for your pregnancy and non operative delivery.Health Question & Answer

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