Could i have a stomach ulcer?!

Question: Could i have a stomach ulcer.?
For the last 7 weeks i've had a constant stomach ache,and i've got acid in my throat a lot. I haven't eaten almost anything and i've lost 23 pounds now.I'm also exhausted all the time,have diarrhoea and sometimes feel faint.I've been down the Dr's and hospital but they don't know whats wrong.I've had blood tests and a stool sample but nothing came up.Health Question & Answer

it's most likely a stomach ulcer, but don't worry, antibiotics can cure them. and for the heart burning sensation, you can take antacids tablets. and plenty of rest is recommended.

but before you start taking antibiotics confirm it by telling your doctor to do an 1.endoscopy or gastroscopy, which usually allows the doctor to see the ulcer by inserting a slim, flexible lighted tube or telescope through your mouth to your stomach.
2.a biopsy, which is an exam under a microscope of a tissue sample taken from the lining of the stomach during the endoscopy.
3.blood tests to look for H. pylori bacteria

you said you did blood tests, but there was nothing worng, so it means there was no signs of anemia, which is a good sign, indicating its not bleeding ulcer.
so get it checked soon.Health Question & Answer

You could have an ulcer,but as 'mum of 5 'answered, you need to ask about Helicobactor,which is a bug in the stomach and a cause of stomach ulcers.
I had similar symptoms as yourself and my doctor arranged to have some tests done.They found Helicobactor.I was treated with a cocktail of several antibiotics and have not had any trouble since.
My symptoms were food related.About 1 to 2 hours after eating,the acute pain was back.When I ate something the pain disappeared only to return 2 hours later.
Do not delay,see you Doctor and ask about Helicobactor because I waited and when they diagnosed it,they found that the ulcer was bleeding.
Don't be alarmed,it can be cleared up quite easily.Health Question & Answer

I am afraid there are no quick fixes. So called dieters, effectively looking for something to lose weight for them are doomed to fail. The worse news is that 2 in 3 actually end up heavier! (university of California study.) Weight loss requires dedication, time and commitment.

The problem with your question is that if you look in "search for questions" it comes up 30 times every day. I have had some criticism for repeatedly using the same answer, but since I am happy with my answer, and the questions are the same, I don't see the issue with recycling the same answer.

In practise for problems that came up on a regular basis we tended to use patient leaflets to avoid having to repeat ourselves this seemed a sensible use of resources. What follows is thus in effect me information leaflet.

Weight loss and fitness is always a long term commitment and never a quick fix. If you really want to reduce your weight a bit, this is a complex regime, that should help, I would get a pencil to write it down, in case you forget any of the intricate details.

Currently only using the criteria 'lose weight' there are 9,419 questions and answers on Answers already. Mis-spell it as 'loose weight' and you get another 2,633! 'Weight loss' will add another 1,883. 'Too fat ' 15,515 and 'overweight' 2,692 and 'over weight' 26,269!!!!!.

'Diet Pills' gives 607, Green tea 482, Hoodia 195, 'pink patch' 119, 'Xenical' 91 'Reductil' 78, 'Slim fast' 215 (and Slimfast 69 ), lipotrim 44 and 'orlistat' 40 . Do you spot a pattern here.? OMG that is 60,000 questions with the same basic theme, wanting to lose weight!

Here comes the only answer, no tricks, no pills, no short cuts, If you really want to lose weight, loose weight, not be too fat or overweight, follow these instructions carefully:-

1) Eat less
2) Take regular vigorous exercise

Repeat 1 + 2 foreverHealth Question & Answer

Is there something going on in your life that is causing you a lot of stress.? Stress can do a lot of damage, cause pain and symptoms that mimic other serious ailments. Have another talk with your Dr. if there Is something you are worried about . you could be having anxiety attacks. Which can cause pain, upset stomach, diarrhea. Health Question & Answer

Good for you with Dr S. You do need a proper check up with your GP, maybe you have gastritis. Do you have a raised temperature, does it hurt when you move.?
Ask for a second opinion and eat a bland diet, little roughage, stuff like pasta with a white sauce and just enough cheese in this to flavour it.
Cereal with skimmed milk, plain biscuits, stewed seived apple - you know, like baby food!
Soup is good esp chicken soup, plainish rice dishes.
All little and often. Ffor the acidity a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in a glass of water.
All simple things that might help.Health Question & Answer

Yeah, I'd get a scan if I were you. Could be a lot of things.Health Question & Answer

p.s hav u tooken any pills latley.?
because if u take pills on an empty stomach regulary then u get stomach ulcers... experience its painful wen u drink or eat anything so yep!Health Question & Answer

You need to go for a scan.Health Question & Answer

Ask the doc to check for something called "helicobacter" this is what my mum had and it sounds the same. :(Health Question & Answer

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