I have chigger bites all over my legs?!

Question: I have chigger bites all over my legs.?
is it seriously a bug under the skin or is it just a bite.? ive put calamine lotion on it and fingernail polish..

how long will it last.?
if it is a bug under the skin.. wont they just find a different spot to dig in if they come out.?
will they just die from the calamine.?
what can i do to get rid of it.?Health Question & Answer

We have learned a lot about chiggers in the last year. They are almost microscopic. They don't suck your blood. They go for places where the skin is thin - ankles, hips, knees. They do not bury themselves inside you. They don't lay eggs under your skin. They bite and suck out your tissue which theiy liquify with an enzyme. They make a "straw" ( called a stylostome) which they use to withdraw the tissue. It is the "straw" which itches. It can't not be pulled out or scratched off. It takes 4 days to 2 weeks to fade away.
The only hope is to take a warm bath after being in an outdoor area where chiggers are. There is no lotion and no cure once you are bitten..Health Question & Answer

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