Apergers Syndrome 'related question'?!

Question: Apergers Syndrome 'related question'.?
I am a 16 years old
from the UK and
have recently started college but i have aspergers syndrome which is making
it very hard for me to settle in
on the first day i didn't feel so bad
but on second day i found my self crying and getting as many as 5 - 6 anxiety attacks
and it doesn't help the fact that i have Hyperhidrosis which means i'm always anxious and worried that i might smell
i haven't been back to the college since then as it was induction days
and we dont start properly until tuesday but now am really scared and i dont want to go back
and am scared that if i go back and i start getting depressed it will make me start my self harming again
i dont really want to tell anyone because i have been there long and people might think that am just not giving it
a chance
but i really have tried but i can manage to stop my self from getting anxious and because the college is so big
theres never anywhere i can be totally on my own because there are always people where ever i go

I'm just really scared and dont no what to do
am sick and tired of crying myself to sleep at night
i just wish i was normal like everyone elseHealth Question & Answer

You are normal in your own special way. Everybody is different. Give yourself a few weeks, and you will be settled in just fine. Aspergers will only complicate the settling process as much as you let it. If you're anything like my son, you just don't like change, but once you get used to it, everything is fine. Just relax and be patient. And yes, right now it seems big, but soon you will be able to find your way around, and you will find the quiet spots. Try the library, usually theres a bit more quiet in there. I wish you the best. Health Question & Answer

I really feel for you on this one. I have a child with Asperger syndrome and she constantly worries about things. Going back to school after the long summer holiday is very traumatic for her and she worries constantly for weeks before and does not sleep. She imagines the worst possible things are going to happen. No matter how much I tell her not to worry and that everything will be fine she still gets so anxious and can't even sleep. You should have had some sort of transition work done by the college to ease you into going and when you go back you should have a named person who you can go to or who can assist you. You don't need to tell anyone else at college how you feel but they should have some one such as a counsellor who you can go to when you feel particularly upset and anxious. It is hard for anyone starting at college but people do not realise just how hard it is for someone with Asperger syndrome. Could you or your parents get in touch with the college and get some support for you before you go back.? I wish you good luck.Health Question & Answer

As the mother of an Aspies child, I can totally sympathise with you, but remember back to when you started school.? I bet you were anxious then but settled down in time, it will be the same here. Everyone will be nervous as it will be as new to them as it is to you. Why not call the college before you go back on Tuesday and ask to speak to your tutor or someone in charge of Pastoral Care, and tell them about your anxieties, they might be able to suggest somewhere quiet you can go. They might suggest a buddy system, someone you can turn to, when things really seem too tough to handle.
If you dont tell anyone how you feel, how will they know.? Try talking to your parent or carer about how anxious and nervous you are, and see if they can suggest anything to help, especially as they know you very well.
Remember if you dont go to college, you wont advance to where you want to be, and you seem to be very articulate.
Just remember you are special and you have to take the bull by the horns and go for it.
I will be thinking about you on Tuesday, all the best xxxxHealth Question & Answer

You could make an appointment to talk to your student counsellor and explain your situation to him or her..write everything down so that when you talk to them you will have notes to keep yourself from getting flustered..they may be able to arrange for you to have a place to go if you need ten minutes or so of quiet..the nurses station or an empty class room, there may even be a chapel and regardless of your religious convictions it would be a good place to take a time out.
Collages have hundreds of new students every year and the staff learn to deal with a huge variety of problems so do not be embarrassed about yours; your student counsellor may even be able to put you in touch with a support group, it is worth a try at any rate. All that you can do is try..and if the stress really is too much then walk away from it before it overwhelms you, there is plenty of time to try again later.
In the meantime there are many support groups on line, I have included the address of one below but if you type " aspergers support groups " into your search bar you will find many others, some of which may suit you better than the one I have listed. Good luck with your education, do not forget that you can complete it at home if need be and do not be afraid to seek help..not everyone will understand but there are a lot of people out there who do and who know that having your condition does not mean that you can not achieve anything, only that what you do achieve demonstrates far more determination and sheer guts than it would for someone without the same problem.Health Question & Answer

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