I have this problem?!?!?!

Question: I have this problem.?!.?!.?
and i guess you could call it a sweating disorder and does it ever go away.? cause when i was younger i remember that when i was younger i never sweated, then once it actually mattered if i got sweat stains (middle school) i noticed that they were bad and it happened in 7th grade. im currently in 9th and it seems like its getting better but i dont want to get my hopes up.

does it eventually go away or will i always have it.?Health Question & Answer

I have the same problem and have had it for years since probably 6th grade. I was recently put on a anti anxiety med. which makes it worse. I'm now a sof. in college and i still have it. I have researched what could cause it and have come up with nothing. I found a product that does combat it though. Its called certain dry and you can get it at wal-mart. just put it on before bed and make sure it is complete dry when you put your clothes on because it will stain them. When you get old you can get botox injections in your armpits and that will stop the sweating for about 4-6 months... or something like that. It might be less time if the problem is really bad. also stay away from greys or light bright colors ..... they tend to show the sweat more, If you do wear these colors just try to keep your arms up and use certain dry. Hope this helps. :)Health Question & Answer

girl i hav the same problem except i didnt start sweatin like crazy till after my 1st period and ya it will dont worry i know its embarassin and i hav been laughed at alot but i just say so wut Health Question & Answer

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