What are the first symptoms of MS (multiple sclerosis)?!

Question: What are the first symptoms of MS (multiple sclerosis).?
What are the very first symptoms, and what happens to you Health Question & Answer

Some facts:
There are many symptoms of MS, but visual changes (blurred vision, color distortion, or sudden blindness in one eye) are often the first ones people notice.

Other common symptoms:
Fatigue, Numbness, Gait/Balance/Coordination Problems, Bladder Dysfunction (infections, retention, spasms), Constipation, Dizziness/Vertigo, Sexual Dysfunction (erectile dysfunction for men, decreased lubrication and sensitivity for women), Pain, Cognitive Function (decreased concentration, attention deficit, memory loss), Emotional Changes, Depression, Spasticity

Less common:
Speech Disorders (problems articulating), Swallowing Problems, Headache, Hearing Loss, Seizures/Tremor, Breathing Problems, Itching

In my case:
I'm sure many MS patients will read this and think I am lucky. My persisting symptoms are not visible. Because I don't have visible problems, I worry people either forget or don't realize I have a disease that is stressful to me physically and mentally or even think I am stupid when I can't communicate well.

Of my MS, the following things are persisting issues...
--Visual changes: can't get a precise glasses prescription so everything is just a bit off. At 20:30 most people wouldn't notice.
--Speech impediment: problem articulating words. Probably the thing I can trace back the farthest. This is the thing I hate the most. I worry I don't sound smart, particularly hard on me if I am teaching at work or speaking to someone professionally who doesn't know MS is the problem and I can't think of the right words.
--Going right along with the speech problems, is decreased concentration. Probably the thing my husband gets the least.
--Fatigue, which is very sensitive to hormonal changes.

Transient problems, that I have rarely...
--Muscle spasms, fatigue, numbness, and prickling pain in my legs.
--Had paralysis on the left side one time, which resolved quickly with high dose steroids.
--Dizziness and being off balance, have fallen on the steps a few times. I've been clumsy for a long time, makes me wonder was it clumsiness all along or MS.

The links below include some easy to understand articles. I also like the "MS for Dummies" book. For me MS was the devil I knew what with my mom having it. But the book was a good reference for my husband. Plus there were tips I hadn't heard of or thought about.Health Question & Answer

There are many symptoms, but some include...
-Vision problems
-Muscle stiffness
-Poor balance
-Bowel and bladder problems
-Problems concentrating

MS is a chronic autoimmune disease of the central nervous system in which gradual destruction of myelin occurs in patches throughout the brain or spinal cord or both, interfering with the nerve pathways and causing muscular weakness, loss of coordination, and speech and visual disturbances.
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