Help with panic attacks?!

Question: Help with panic attacks.?
i am getting wrose and worse by the day with them now i cant even go out !
has anyone been threw this befor and how did you deal with it.?
i am trying my best but still cant do it ! i cant breath properly when i have to go out also, i am spending everyday at home and cant go out i cant live my life like this.
thanksHealth Question & Answer

I was getting them quite severely not that long ago. What my doctor did was to send my for hypnotherapy. It's nothing like in the TV, it's more like a counselling session, but with your eyes closed!

You need to remember that how you're feeling can happen to everyone and is perfectly normal. But you need to ask yourself if you really have any need to feel that way at that moment in time.? If the answer is no, then consciously tell yourself not to panic. I know it sounds silly, but it actually works.

Regulate your breathing as well. Breathe in 1,2,3 Breathe out 1,2,3. That also helps take your mind off of the matter.

If you're in a situation that makes you panicky, close your eyes and send yourself to a place that makes you feel happy. Take a few deep breaths and then carry on as you are.

Speak to your doctor about a referral for hypnotherapy. It really will help. If not feel free to email me. I know it's scary, but you won't feel like this forever.

Remember this - Feel the fear and do it anyway. Fear is temporary but regret is forever.

Good luck!Health Question & Answer

You should see your GP, and let him/her know just how bad these attacks are getting. I had them when I was younger, and I know just how terrifying they can be. Maybe your GP can prescribe a drug like Propranolol, a beta-blocker, NOT a tranquiliser. also, having some one-to-one therapy with a trained counsellor or psychologist would probably help. I know it's hard to do when you are having an attack, but you should try to talk to yourself, tell yourself you will definitely not die because you haven't before, and try to take your mind off the attack by doing something you enjoy, however trivial. You really are not alone. There are many people out there who suffer panic attacks to varying degrees. You will manage them with help, and overcome them in time. I did! Health Question & Answer

Hi Tara,
the good doctor has a good points, especially that the long term solution is not with medication.
the best place to start is at the beginning, for you personally what triggers your anxiety (my word) what are the thoughts or pictures that you make in your head (you may not be aware that you do this) or do you have a running dialogue in your head.?
If so try sitting comfortably and if you have vivid pictures in your minds eye imagine moving the picture further away and perhaps reducing the colour intensity. If there is a strong dialogue turn the volume down like you would with a tv remote.
This may sound a little weird however, remember all stress and anxiety are triggered by our perception of events not the events themselves so we do have control over it.
Finally regulating your breathing will have a massive impact on developing a calmer and less stressful experience.
However I must make clear that the above advice should be taken in hand with a visit to a doctor and hopefully you can begin to take more and more control over your everyday lifeHealth Question & Answer

Ok now call your doctor immediately and set up an appt. He will give you medication that will alleviate the situation and you will be normal again. Pls call. Until then, try this. There is a sensor point on your hand and if you massage it it will relax you enough that you can at least get out of the house to get help. So if you are right handed, then on your left hand , between the thumb and the next finger , (pointer) there is a fleshy part. Just massage that area whenever you feel an attack coming on. Massage for as long as you need to , and the attack will pass. It has something to do with stomach acids or something. Health Question & Answer

I\'m sorry to hear about you going through a panic attack. I know from experience that they can be extremely terrifying and frustrating. I\'ll be happy to help and make some suggestions. Try deep breathing for a few minuites at a time. Breathing in completely and hold in for a few seconds, then breath out completely. Some people use a paper bag, but I find any basic deep breating (like in yoga) is good. It really helps give your body oxygen when you need it most. also I find using coping statements like Health Question & Answer

Dr Frank has said it all really. I have to say, I went through a VERY brief spell of having panic attacks, and I had CBT (which has a 70% success rate) and I found it to be very beneficial. You say you won't take any medication; you don't have to take them forever, just until you start to feel better. If your really dead set against medication, then seriously consider CBT. I am very pro-CBT. Just take each day at a time. You will get through this.Health Question & Answer

In this very acute situation it may be necessary to medicate. Best options are either beta-blockers, (provided you are not asthmatic,) or SSRIs such as Prozac. Avoid benzodiazepines at all costs as they are far too addictive! ( Valium like drugs.)

The best long term management is unquestionably therapy rather than medication. Currently the most successful of these is CBT, cognitive behavioral therapy, with a 70% cure rate.Health Question & Answer

I know the feeling and you feel so alone as well, but i did get a brown paper bag and when i got an attack i breathed in and out of that it helped a bit but i got a friend to get me a book it was called understanding panic attacks it als helped me i am still not brilliant but am more relaxed now than ever believe me it will ease but it takes time good luckHealth Question & Answer

If you are looking for a natural way of dealing with panic attacks, then take a look at this site:

You can also check out this site:

Hope these help..Health Question & Answer

BOO!Health Question & Answer

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