Down Syndrome question?!

Question: Down Syndrome question.?
My husband and I have been trying to conceive for almost 3 years. My doctor has high hopes that it is going to happen. After a recent visit with some of my husbands family, I was advised that when I do get pregnant I need to have an amniocentesis (I am only 25). When asked why I should at my age, I was told that Down Syndrome wuns on his side of the family. They werent a lot of help when we tried to ask questions.

I was a little concerned, but didnt want to ask this question: His family is from a small town in the middle of nowhere. While I know my husbands parents were in no way reated (trust me, we're sure) I am pretty sure that bloodlines have been crossed, most likely in the form of 2nd and 3d cousins (no, its not the south). Is it possible that his cousin who had down syndrome got it from the parent not related to my husband.? Does inbreeding really cause it.? I know there is nothing you can do to prevent or treat it, but how are we supposed to ask someone we aren't close with if their family (or spouses famiy and so on) carries this chromosome abnormality.?

Please dont send messages about incest, rednecks, or anything along those lines. My husband's parents were not related, nor were any of their parents. I just want to know more about how easily it is passed from generation to generation.Health Question & Answer

"inbreeding" can cause physical issues with a baby - but it doesn't cause Down syndrome. Down syndrome is not inherited. Just because a cousin or a sibling may have a child with DS, doesn't make your risks any higher. if you are only 25, don't do those silly tests. majority of them give false positives and will only cause you unnecessary stress. your odds of having a child with DS is like 1 in 1500 at your age. don't stress. have lots of sex, make lots of babies, and relax!! Health Question & Answer

Translocation is the only form of down syndrome that is hereditary and it is very rare...only 4% of the population with DS have this form. the most common form of DS is trisomy 21 (90% of people with down syndrome have this form) and it is not hereditary...if you are concerned and his family is not giving you any evidence to the fact that it runs in the family my advice to you would be to see a genetic counselor....they would be the only ones who would be able to answer your questions and give you the answers you need.Health Question & Answer

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