I have seborrheic dermatitis and my scalp feels really, really tight. is this dangerous?!

Question: I have seborrheic dermatitis and my scalp feels really, really tight. is this dangerous.?
i was recently diagnosed with seborrheic dermatitis. super itchy scalp with tons of flakes. the medication doesn't seem to work. and it's gone from my scalp to the sides of my nose, forehead a little bit, inside of my ears and one other place i'd rather not go into. i've been using t-gel as shampoo almost everyday for a few days. not nearly as itchy or flakey but my scalp feels super tight. like i could pull my scalp away from my head just by flexing. and around the front of my hairline it's very dry. i can't really get a good view of the rest of my scalp. is it possible for all of my hair to come out due to this tightness.? can i sort of detach my scalp.? it feels sort of like i can.Health Question & Answer

You need to go to a better doctor....you might have Psoriasis in your hair and on your face.....and might have Lichen Sclerosis on your private areas. Lichen Scerosis makes scars that do not fade or go away.

You need better shampoos, creams, ointments, and oils. A good Dermatologist should be seen asap because it's on your face...it never goes away it only gets worse.....So get to the doc and see how you can slow it down...Elidel will work on your face, while "Clobetasol Prop. topical solution"is good for your scalp..."Clobetasol ointment" will work on the private areas. Loprox shampoo is good....Dovonex is also a good cream or ointment for your skin.....I am not a doctor but you may have Psorisis and these meds are given.Health Question & Answer

since the med is not working you should call the Dr's office and tell them you need something else. Don't suffer, there is help. I have never heard or read of anyone's scalp detaching, but don't pick or pull at it while it is this flaky. Please call the Dr. Best wishes.Health Question & Answer

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