What is Septicemia and what antibiotics should be used to treat it,and what dosages?!

Question: What is Septicemia and what antibiotics should be used to treat it,and what dosages.?
My uncle has b cell non hodgkins lymphoma,and now the doctors say my uncle has septicemia,so now I'm looking for any information on the condition.Health Question & Answer

Septicemia is the presence of bacteria in the blood (bacteremia) and is often associated with severe disease.Septicemia can begin with spiking fevers, chills, rapid breathing, and rapid heart rate. The person looks very ill.

The symptoms rapidly progress to shock with decreased body temperature (hypothermia), falling blood pressure, confusion or other changes in mental status, and blood clotting problems that lead to a specific type of red spots on the skin (petechiae and ecchymosis).
Septicemia is a serious condition that requires a hospital stay. You may be admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU).
It can rapidly lead to adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), septic shock, and death.
Septicemia associated with meningococci can lead to shock, adrenal collapse, and Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome
Septic shock has a high death rate, exceeding 50%, depending on the type of organism involved. The organism involved and how quickly the patient is hospitalized will determine the outcome

Fluids and medicines are given by an IV to maintain the blood pressure.
Oxygen will be given. Antibiotics are used to treat the infection.
Plasma or other blood products may be given to correct any clotting abnormalities

Seek immediate care if:
* A person has a fever, shaking chills, and looks acutely ill
* There are signs of bleeding into the skin
* Any person who has been ill has changes in mental statusHealth Question & Answer

They may begin with a broad-spectrum antibiotic until they can determine what specific organism is growing in his blood. The penicillins are broad spectrum, there are others too (you can google broad spectrum antibiotic to see the names of some others).

They will do a blood culture test, to see IF there is an infection in his blood. If so, then they do identification and susceptibility tests to determine what specific organism it is, and what drugs are effective against it. All this can take several days. Hopefully the microbe is susceptible to the broad-based antibiotic.Health Question & Answer

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