I have itchy clear bumps between my toes! What are they?!

Question: I have itchy clear bumps between my toes! What are they.?
About a month ago, a little bump appeared between the toes of my foot. It was kinda itchy, and being who I am, I couldn't leave it alone. i popped it, and it was filled with a clear fluid. More appeared, on and off in the last month or so. They appear mostly either between my toes, or on the bottom of the toes. also, the skin right between my toes looks like it split, and seeps the same kind of clear, oily fluid. It itches terribly sometimes, and other times, I don't even think about it.
I don't think it's athlete's foot. The bumps aren't red, and to be completely honest, I'm not wearing my shoes very often, and when I do, I'm wearing sandals. Maybe it's because my feet get dirty a lot.?
Does anyone know what this might be, and if I can treat it at home.?Health Question & Answer

It sounds like eczema or weeping eczema. When it itches, it feels like it itches all the way to the bone - it can't be satisfied! The fluid in the bumps is the waters being pulled from your skin. That's why the skin dries and splits open after the bumps are 'popped'.

First of all, it's not contagious nor does it pose any serious health threat. That's the good news. The bad news is that it will likely be a lifelong irritation and may spread, though it is usually contained to hands and feet.

Having dealt with this for 30+ years, I've gotten several medical and alternative opinions and treatments. The most effective natural treatment is called Rhus Tox. You can find this at many health food stores and easily online for around $10. Get the liquid and place a few drops under the tongue several times daily. When I first used this, the relief was felt within a couple of days. With continued use, the outbreaks of bumps should be less often and less severe.

I have since developed a more difficult form of eczema that can only be relieved through prescription strength steroid cream. I don't know if the two types are related, but rhus Tox did not eleviate the symptoms of my current form of exzema.

Every doctor I saw told me they didn't know what caused weeping eczema, but a naturopath told me it was often a dysfunction of the liver. Don't know that for sure, but it might not hurt to be sure to take care of your liver.

Another thing that may help - after you shower, be sure to thoroughly dry your entire foot with a towel. Leaving damp areas on feet (between toes) to be dried while walking on carpet can cause severe dry and cracking skin all over the foot.

Hope this helps. God Bless.Health Question & Answer

it may still be atletes foot, the bumps don't always have to be red
you can pick up some hydrocortizone creme anywhere, try that and see if it doesn't help. your next best bet is seeing a doctor, it could be something more serious like scabies.Health Question & Answer

Athlete's foot...Health Question & Answer

I also have these bumps, they are itchy, and I have them on my hands and feet, I got them after some yard work, thought I had poison ivy, but no, they have never gone away, and I know it was the bush out front, cause when I warned my husband about it, he still touched it and got it too. i do use athletes foot cream it eliviates the itchiness, and dries up the bumps, but they still come back, they look like little coffee grounds under the skin which I assume is dried blood, then there is just an empty blister there that peels. Wish it would go away!Health Question & Answer

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