Question about aids?????????!

Question: Question about aids.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?
I dont know any one with aids but I was just wondering..if a guy had sex with a girl and the girl had aids and the girl was on her period, would the guy be able to get it from her blood going into his dick.?
or if when the guy came would the blood go out and he not catch it.? Or does it not work like that.
It would suck to have aids, Im so glad I married a guy young so I dont have to deal with all that. And I so sorry for all the people that have it. I guess I'm just curious.
ThanksHealth Question & Answer

It is possible to spread AIDS both of the ways you asked about in your question
I'm married myself and I'm glad because to me it's scary that there are serious things out now a days that a shot can't cure, but it is still important to get tested every year whether your married or not because the virus can lie dormant. Make sure you protect yourself and keep an honest relationship with you significant other because you really don't know who they have been with, and they don't know who you have been with. Health Question & Answer

Why would someone have sex with a girl who is on their period.?.?
Yes, a girl with AIDs can give it to a guy, but it is more difficult than a guy giving it to a girl because of the narrow opening on the guy.
If in question about your partner, just use a condom.Health Question & Answer

Anyone can get aids inluding young guys. Being married or even abstinent does not exclude you from risk either - it only lessens the probability of exposure. AIDS is transmitted via bodily fluids - a cut exposed to contaminated fluid can result in AIDS being passed on.Health Question & Answer

You can actually google this sort of question.
Yes, he can contract HIV, HepB, HepC, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Chlamydia--even if she was not menstrating, whether or not he ejaculates makes no difference.Health Question & Answer

I thought that if 2 people regardless of their gender had sex, and one of them had aids, that the other would get aids. Regardless if a period was involved etc. They are still exchanging body fluids.Health Question & Answer

it doesnt matter if your on your period or not...if you have unprotected sex with someone with aids more then likely your going to get get it by the exchange of bodily fluids...Health Question & Answer

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