Do i have insomnia?? what are the symptoms?!

Question: Do i have insomnia.?.? what are the symptoms.?
sounds like a stupid question - what are the symptoms of insomnia!yeh i know it's that you can't sleep but i am just not sure.

i have been under a lot of stress recently and i know that can sometimes be a factor. the only reason i'm not sure is because i've never been a very good sleeper anyway. i get home from the gym at about 8, i get ready for bed at about 9 and i'm usually in bed by 9.30. i watch tele until about 11 and then try and sleep. all night though i toss and turn and when i look at the time it's suddenly 5am. i have to be up at 7!!basically i get little or no sleep most of the time, but when i go to work it doesn't seem to affect me greatly other than the more frequent yawning and stretching!

does this sound like insomnia.? or an extremely light sleeper.? anyone who has had it or knows about the condition it would be appreciated if you could answer.Health Question & Answer

Insomnia is chronically disturbed sleep.

However, if you have been under a lot of stress and have a lot on your mind it is difficult to sleep.

I have insomnia, and it the symptoms differ between people. You don't have insomnia unless this is a problem that has been happening for more than a week or so.

Try to calm down before bed time. Exercise before bed is really bad for you, as it gets you worked up, making it difficult to sleep. However perhaps you should try taking a relaxing bath before bed, or reading to calm yourself down. Don't drink coffee or eat chocolates, icecream less than three hours before bedtime as the caffine simulants will keep you awake.

Try to calm down and resolve your stress issue, if not see a doctor if it persists and interfers with your daily patterns. Health Question & Answer

I used to have insomnia then i got ambian. Doctors don't mind writing for the newer sleep aids so why suffer.? Just don't use them for too long and whatever they give you take half (if you go that route) Research anything a doctor prescribes of course. One jackass gave me Ativan which gave me a very unplesant erection all night

A box fan in your room can help and watching TV in bed is not recommended. The only thing you should do in bed is sleep and have sex. Health Question & Answer

Yes it sounds like insomnia.

You could try making a few simple changes and see how it goes.?

One of the things keeping you up is the fact you get back from the gym just an hour and a half before going to bed. Whilst exercise is great, getting back this late means your body doesn't have sufficient enough time to relax properly - your system is still pumping! Could you get home a little earlier.?

also the tv won't help (it's more of a stimulant) - try reading a book with a hot milky drink instead.

Once you've turned out the light, try consciously to relax your mind - imagine a far away beach, and try to systematically relax every muscle in your body starting from your head neck and working down to your toes. Health Question & Answer

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