How can I prevent myself getting colds?!

Question: How can I prevent myself getting colds.?
Can anyone recommend anything to boost my immune system.?
I keep getting nasty colds and am fed up!!
Thank You
Health Question & Answer

Learn to stay away from others when they are sick and WASH your hands often with soap and hot water. The CDC says that this is the most effective way of slowing down the transmission of colds, flu and other easily transmitted diseases. Carry antibiotic wipes with you or keep little bottles of a waterless, antibiotic hand cleaner with you. We keep it in the car and use it as soon as we come out of the stores from shopping. However, only use these things when you don't have a sink close by to wash your hands. Using antibacterial soaps and washes all the time can cause many germs to mutate and become hard to kill. Make sure to eat a healthy diet, and get the required amount of sleep each night. Take a multiple vitiamin each day. If you don't eat enough foods that contain vitamin C, you may want to take a little extra each day, but taking it in great amounts does not actually do anything. It is all flushed from the body every day anyhow. All you need is the daily required amount....Health Question & Answer

Like the guy said dress in warm layers, would you rather be cute or sick.? Another thing is to keep your hands clean, wash with soap, not just rinsing with water. also keep antibacterial wipes or liquid in your purse that can help keep germs from spreading on your body and getting you sick.
I am not saying you do not keep your hands clean, but people that lack clean hygiene with their hands tend to get sick easier/faster...and once again make sure you dress warmly. I am a Christina and I know that colds can be a spiritual thing as well so you might want to look up what could be going on in your life to be causing you to hava a cold all of the times.Health Question & Answer

Stay away from infected people, drink the recommended amount of water each day, get the recommended amount of vitamins, eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, keep up with the shots you need and ones that are recommended by your doctor(ex. the flu shot).Health Question & Answer

Drink mostly water and pure orange juice instead of soft drinks, teas, etc.

also get some B12. It's a small pill and all natural and helps burst your immune system.Health Question & Answer

Wash your hands often to kill bacteria. Dont rub your nose or eyes as this spreads and recieves cold germs more than in your mouth does.Health Question & Answer

Dress in layers, have lots of vitamin C, and get more sleep. Health Question & Answer

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