Could this be the cause of autism...Please read?!

Question: Could this be the cause of autism...Please read.?
I'm aware that autism has been around for a long time, but Asperger's has only been a recognized diagnosis since around 1991. It was mostly among children who lived in Silicone Valley initially, but it has become what they call an "epidemic" across the nation. Here is my theory...I think there may be a strong link between the use of cell phones, digital devices, wireless devices, computers, etc....all the modern technology that we use and rely on day after day, and the cause of Asperger's. Think of all the invisible electo-waves are all around us every hour of every day. Is it possible that they could be re-wiring the brains of unborn children.? Individual's with Asperger's are extremely intelligent and they are often very talented in computers/technology. They often lack in social abilities/interactions, not in intelligence. Our society sees them as "different", but if 1 in 150 babies born today will end of having some kind of diagnosis of autism, could it really be that evolution is changing the brains of humans in order to adapt to our changing world.?.?.?.? What do you think.?
Health Question & Answer

Will I think that its something your born with, but I do believe that Asperger's and Autism is our next step in a new evolution.

Watch my video about me with Asperger's: .?v=rbgUjmeC-4o" rel="nofollow"> Question & Answer

This theory is being promoted by many already. It appears that the electrosmog effects those with pathogens like lyme, and toxins like heavy metals, the most. There is all kind of science already out there on this. It messes up mellatonin, needed for sleep, and keeps cells from releasing toxins, and weakens the blood brain barrier, enabling pathogens and toxins to enter the brain, and fetuses are much more senstive to electrosmog than others. Thus, if you look for it, you will find reports on what I just mentioned. I took cell phones away from my kids now, and I only turn mine on when I leave the house. They actually make all kinds of products, paints, window film, fariday nets, etc. to block people from electrosmog.Health Question & Answer

When a baby sleeps on there stomach they get lots of slow wave sleep (SWS). SWS is the combination of stage 3 and stage 4 NREM sleep. During SWS a baby transfers all the things it's learned from tempoary storage in the Hippocampus part of the brain to permanent storage in the Neocortex part of the brain. You can sort of think of the Hippocampus as iTunes and the Neocortex as an IPOD. The brain downloads the songs (aka memories) during SWS. SWS is very, very sound sleep and is also called "Deep Sleep". Unfourtuantely "Deep Sleep" is also when Sudden Infant Death Syndrome mainly occurs.

In 1992, over 90% of babies slept on their stomachs or sides. But, when doctors did tests on babies they realized that if you put a baby to sleep on their backs they get no SWS. So, the doctors right away in 1992 told all moms to start putting their babies to sleep on their backs to prevent SIDS. This is called the "Back to Sleep" campaign. This campaign is a huge success and since about 1996 over 70% of American babies now sleep on their backs. According to the statistics the SIDS rates have also went down.

But, what about the impact of stopping the transfer of memories from temporary storarge in the hippocampus to permanent storage in the neocortex. Has that had a negative impact.?

I think that is what caused the Autims Epidemic. Thus, the cause of the Autism Impact is an unintended consequence of the SIDS "Back to Sleep" campaign.Health Question & Answer

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