Do I have any type of autism even if it is high functioning autism?!

Question: Do I have any type of autism even if it is high functioning autism.?
I have bad social skills, I can't keep friends that well, I can't talk to people I don't know, I can only make friends with younger kids, I can't call my friends, and I have no desire to do anything with the friends I do have.Health Question & Answer

All viviparous beings necessarily are on the autistic spectrum. Any regressive tendencies are by nature autistic. Shyness, withdrawal, juvenile behavior, averting eyes from disturbing sights, asthma, ADD, hyperactivity and tics are all autistic symptoms that most people have at one time or another in their lives.

There are two reasons autism is currently on the rise: First, any doctor or psychologist can safely diagnose it, because everybody has a touch of it. Secondly, it has been declared a "neurological disorder" by neurologists (in spite of the fact that psychiatrists and psychoanalysts still tend to think it's a mental disorder). Therefore, there is no social stigma attached to autism, and so everybody who has a mental disorder, or parents of children who have mental disorders, will go get *second opinions* until some doctor kindly diagnoses "autism." Health Question & Answer

As much as autism is related to lack of social skills, there are other symptoms as well, like repeating things, having to have things a certain way, speech problems when younger, sometimes clumsiness or poor ability to write, often they talk too much on one subject that tires those around them, they may walk on tip toes or flap their arms, or rock back and forth, or spin things or stare at spinning things. There really are a ton of symptoms that one may have a few or several of. But, its more than just not being able to socialize well. Even so, you can just focus on your symptoms if you want and just worry about treating those. Autism is just a name for a group of symptoms, that's all. Health Question & Answer

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